5. Hyungwon- Pizza Date

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It was a typical Sunday, and you were lazying around. It was way too cold outside from all the rain, and you were starving. Being all lazy and shit, you decided to call in an order at a local pizza shop. You ordered two large pepperoni pizzas, and when they got there realization struck you. YOU AREN'T CAPABLE OF EATING TWO LARGE PIZZAS BY YOURSELF!!

You decided on calling up your bestfriend, Hyungwon to help you eat all the pizza. He sounded a little frustrated through the phone, but you knew he couldn't stay mad at you. While waiting on Hyungwon, you ran to your room to go get some pillows and blankets for the living room. This was normal for Hyungwon and you, whenever he would come over, you both would always end up building a fort. He would always suggest watching a scary movie, and you both would argue over what to watch on Netflix. While watching a movie, you both would stuff your faces with snacks, and laugh at all the over-dramatic parts.
While you were done laying out all the snacks, you heard a knock on your door. You excitedly ran to the door, and opened it to reveal a dripping wet Hyungwon. You immediately felt bad for making him come all the way to your house in the rain.

"Oh my gosh Hyungwon, I'm so sorry.....come on in."

Hyungwon smiled, and walked in,"It's okay Y/N, I wanted to come. If I didn't I would have said so..."

You ran to the bathroom to get Hyungwon a towel. You came back and he was still standing in the entrance area looking around. You handed him the towel, and he happily took it. You then ran to your room to go get Hyungwon some extra clothes, seeing as the ones he currently wore wear soaking wet. You scavanged through 'Hyungwon's drawer', and found a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. Hyungwon had stayed so many times at your house, you decided to make a spare drawer for when he does stay. You had to admit, it was a pretty good idea, and you were glad you came up with it. You ran back to where Hyungwon was and threw the clothes at him.

"Here! Go change in the bathroom"

"Gee thanks for throwing it at me..."

You stuck your tongue out at him, and he made his way towards the bathroom. You were still starving, so you decided to serve yourself a slice of pizza. You sat on the couch, and waited for Hyungwon to pick a movie. He finally came back, and gave you a sweet smile.

"Decided to eat without me huh?"

"Oh shutup Hyungwon, I was starving."

"Yeah, yeah whatever..." Hyungwon went into the kitchen, and grabbed himself a slice of pizza as well. "So when are we going to start on the fort Y/N?"

"I guess we could start now..." You got off the couch to help with the fort. It took you both fifteen minutes to build the fort, but it was worth it. Hyungwon had thrown pillow after pillow at you, and you threw them back. You both had fun, and after the fort was built, you were exhausted. Hyungwon pushed you in the fort, and to your surprise, it didn't fall over like usual. Hyungwon climbed in the fort, and laid down next to you. He turned to look at you, and stared for a while. You noticed him staring at you, and it made you blush.

"Hyungwon.....why a-are you staring at me?"

"Y/N, I really need to tell you something..."

"What is it? You know you can trust me."

"Okay, but promise you won't freak out, okay?"

"I promise."

Hyungwon sat up, and took both of your hands into his. You were completely shocked, but you trusted Hyungwon, so you listened. "Y/N......I-I really like you.....alot. You've always been there for me, and I'm totally grateful. You accepted me fully, and know me better than anyone in the world. I hope this confession doesn't ruin our friendship, because I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you Y/N...."

You stared at Hyungwon shocked, and he looked down un-hopeful. "Hyungwon....I had no idea you felt this way too. I love you too Hyungwon."

Hyungwon looked up at you, a small smile plastered on his face. He held your hands even tighter, and ever so slowly leaned in. Your lips met with Hyungwon's plump ones, and it felt like they were made for each other. You felt Hyungwon smile into the kiss, and you did too soon after. He pulled away, and lovingly stroked your hair.

"So....shall we watch a movie now or...?"

"I think we shall."


The day was perfect, and you both watched movies until Hyungwon fell asleep. You laughed to yourself when you looked over to Hyungwon, and saw he was softly snoring. You covered him with a blanket, and got up to changed. You didn't get far though, as Hyungwon pulled you back down, close to his chest.

"Hyungwon, what are you doing? Let me go, I have to change..."

"Nooo......stay..here with mee.......Y/N."

"Ugh fine you brat."

Hyungwon smiled in his sleep, and pulled you even closer. You pulled the blanket over the two of you, and slowly drifted into a deep sleep.


Omg, I literally listened to all of Monsta X's albums while writing this.......I'm trashhh

But whatever, this one's a bit short, so I apologize...but I AM WHAT I.M. MANNN~!!! .........Okay I'll stop.......byeeee! <3

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