15.Kihyun - Pink Envelopes

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For weeks now, you've been receiving strange letters inside your locker. You always tried to be early so that just maybe you could catch whoever it is. However, you would always fail because when you would open up your locker, you would find another pink envelope inside. No matter how early you were, or how fast you would run, your secret admirer would always be earlier or faster. It was as if whoever it was, was watching your every move. You told all your friends about it, and to their surprise, they too could not catch whoever it was.

"I'm telling you Minhyuk, whoever it is must be really fast, or very stealthy..."

"Look Y/N, it's probably someone trying to play a joke on you. Have ever read one of them?"

"No, I guess I should, maybe it'll have a clue as to who it is."

"Yeah maybe. Well I'll see you later, I gotta go to biology. Bye!", and with that, Minhyuk turned down a different hallway. You decided to go check out your locker for any other notes. Once there, as usual, no one was around which made it a bit eerie. You put your combination in the pastel pink lock, and it clicked. When you opened your locker, much to your surprise, another pink envelope was shoved inside. You reached for the note, and decided it would be best to open it. You squinted your eyes, and read:

To my dearest Y/N,

Are you still pondering my identity? Nod if you are, I'll be watching as you read. Maybe when the time comes around, I'll reveal myself to you. Though I may not be as perfect as you are, maybe you can accept me as your friend? I've noticed you haven't read my other notes yet, maybe I should stop writing them. Do you get annoyed? I'm so sorry if you do, please nod if you think my letters of affection are an inconvenience for you.

With much love, YKH

You were utterly shocked, but the person seemed to be very nice and sincere. You decided to answer their questions, so you shouted, " I want to know who you are, we can be friends. I don't get annoyed by you, I actually enjoy your letters. They make me feel loved!" You frantically looked around, and saw no one. You heard footsteps running down the hallway next to your locker. You figured it was your secret admirer, so you quickly ran down the hall. You saw a a honey-colored haired boy running to the library. You followed as close as you could, but once you reached the library, it was like a maze of bookcases. There was no way you would be able to find that guy in the library! You mentally cursed at yourself, but decided to still try to look for whoever it was running from you.
After what seemed like forever, you decided to give up. You turned on one foot to leave, and you bumped into someone. When you looked up you saw one of your classmates, Yoo Kihyun. He looked extremely exhausted,and he had a slight pink color in his cheeks. You looked down and saw all your papers on the floor. You quickly tried to pick them up, and Kihyun helped you. You saw the pink envelope on the floor too, and when you reached t for it, so did Kihyun.

"I'm so sorry, I should've looked where I was going. I didn't mean to make you drop all your papers. I'm sorry for being an inconvenience.", Kihyun stuttered out. 

You smiled at him, and took the envelope from his hands. When you stood up, you glanced at Kihyun's student ID. It read: Yoo Kihyun
Grade: 11
Property of YKH

You smiled wide, and practically shouted, "Yoo Kihyun!! I've finally found you, I know who you are now!"

Kihyun looked panicked, and he scrambled to his feet. "Uh...I-I don't know what you're talking about...."

"You're the one who's been giving me sweet love letters. Oh my,for a long time I waited for the day I would find you."

"Wait y-you think they're s-sweet? I m-mean..,I have no idea what your accusing me of.."

"Oh come on Kihyun, just admit it. You're the one who's been writing me these",you held up the pink envelope.

"I-I never thought you would find out who I was, since you have never talked to me before", Kihyun nervously laughed out.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that.. I think you're a really sweet guy Kihyun. I would like to get to know you better. "

Kihyun looked up, a small smile on his lips. He looked you dead in the eyes,and inched closer. You could feel Kihyun's breath on your lips, and with that said, you closed the gap. When Kihyun pulled away, he smiled and held out his hand. You gladly took it, and he lead to you to a table in the center of the library's maze. There, you both learned more about each other, and you fell helplessly in love with 'YKH'.


Sorry for the late update, I had a mountain of homework to do. I hope you all enjoy this story inspired by someone special to me. That's all for now, Bye!

-Author ❤️

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