9.Kihyun-Truth or Dare

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Hot, and late the night was. You were in your living room with your brother. Your brother, Hyungwon, was waiting for some of his friends to arrive. They were planning on having a video gaming night, and ordering a bunch of pizza to go along with it. You threatened to tell your parents about the party, seeing as Hyungwon was grounded. He promised to pay you in pizza, and you agreed to seal your lips. You hear loud knocks on the door, and you already knew who it was. Hyungwon ran to the door, and immediately, his face lit up with joy. His best friend Wonho stood in the doorway. He engulfed Hyungwon in a hug, and you could've sworn to see a slight blush in your brother's cheeks. You smirked to yourself, knowing all about Hyungwon's crush on his best friend. You chuckled to yourself and decided to tease them a bit.

"Hey lovers get a room..."

"Shutup Y/N..",Hyungwon muttered.

Wonho smirked, and playfully pulled Hyungwon closer to his waist,"Oh yeah, hi Y/N...forgot you live here too. Well Hyungwon, I guess we'll carry on later." Wonho winked at Hyungwon,and released him. This only made things worse for Hyungwon, and he blushed even harder. You giggled at his flushed face, and turned your attention to the TV.

A few minutes of bickering later, you heard more knocks on the door. You were expecting Hyungwon to answer the door, but when you looked over at him, he was too engrossed in his best friend's face to care. Grumbling, you walked over to the window to check who was at the door. Your facial expression quickly changed when you saw Hyungwon's friend Kihyun and Minhyuk standing at the door. Kihyun smiled and waved when he saw you through the window, and you did the same.
You opened the door, and were not surprised when Minhyuk tightly embraced you. Kihyun laughed, and joined in the hug, squeezing you tightly. Without you three knowing, Jooheon, Changkyun, and Shownu had showed up, not too far behind. They joined in the hug as well, and soon afterwords, Hyungwon and Wonho joined in too. You struggled to break free of the hug, but failed as you were in the middle. Once you all broke the embrace, you all made your way inside, and settled yourself on the couch.


The night was still young, and the eight of you were busy playing truth or dare. It was now Jooheon's turn, and he chose your brother Hyungwon. "Hyungwon, truth or dare?"

"Hm...Truth." Everyone grumble, saying things like,'Hyungwon is such a wuss', and, 'boo you suck Hyungwon!'

Jooheon whispered something to Changkyun, and they both laughed,"okay...you have to answer truthfully, are you in love with Wonho?"

Everyone gasped,and even Wonho looked curious, turning to look at the so-called male. Hyungwon blushed crimson, and cleared his throat,"...u-um...y-yes..it's true. I l-love Wonho..."

Everyone cheered, including yourself, and Minhyuk started to chant,"Accept him! Accept him!" Shownu and Changkyun joined in, and everyone looked over at Wonho. He just smiled, and pulled Hyungwon in for a quick peck on the cheek. Hyungwon smiled with joy, and everyone continued on with the game. since Hyungwon was the last to go, he now had the ability to choose someone. He smirked over at Kihyun, and looked in your direction.

"Y/N, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to crawl over to Kihyun, and give a long kiss on the lips,"Hyungwon devilishly smirked, and everyone laughed. Except for you and Kihyun; you two were a blushing mess, and you instantly regretted your choice. You also regretted ever telling your older brother about your crush on his friend Kihyun. You knew sooner or later, he would use it against you, because that's just how he was. Hesitantly, you crawled over to where Kihyun was, and placed your hands on his shoulders. Kihyun, out of instinct, placed his hands on your waist. He mouthed a quick 'sorry', and he leaned in slowly. You copied the action, and the gap between both faces was closed. Everyone cheered, and hollered, but neither Kihyun or you heard it. You two were so busy tasting each others lips, and desperately yanking on the cloth barrier. You both were interupted when Hyungwon's voice cut through," Okay, okay, that's enough of that."


It was now an hour past midnight, and all eight of you were drunken with sleep. Jooheon and Changkyun were drowsily playing Grand Theft Auto V, Shownu was huddled in a corner with Minhyuk sound asleep on his chest. Hyungwon and Wonho claimed to have been tired, and said they were going to go to sleep in Hyungwon's room. So now it was just You and Kihyun, awkwardly sitting on the couch, facing each other.

"Y/N, about that kis-"

"Save it Kihyun, it was my fault for choosing dare. Plus I bet Hyungwon already told you, so go ahead. Laugh at me."

"W-what are you talking about? I thought Hyungwon had told you..."

"Wait what are we talking about?"

Kihyun hesitated for a moment, but felt oddly daring," I-I....really like you Y/N. Like. A lot. "

Kihyun looked up and you saw his cheeks painted pink. You smiled, and grabbed his hand,"Kihyun...I didn't know you felt that way..."

Kihyun smiled, and intertwined your fingers together,"I've always felt that way Y/N..." He looked back at where Jooheon and Changkyun were gaming, and laughed. "Y/N, truth or dare?"

You were confused, but decided to go along with it,"Um...dare."

"I dare you to kiss me again."

You smirked, and hit Kihyun's chest playfully. He caught your hand, and pulled you into a sweet kiss.


In the morning, you all woke up with strange, pounding headaches. You were all confused as to why, but soon learned about Minhyuk's plan. From Shownu's constant questioning, Minhyuk finally spilled the beans as to why the headaches were occuring. He said that to 'spice things up', he added in a little vodka with the sprite. Minhyuk didn't think it would be so bad, but he was wrong. The headaches lasted till noon, and Minhyuk was busy taking care of everyone. You didn't mind though, because you were with your new boyfriend, Kihyun.


A/N: well this chapter sucked, but whatever. I was wondering, should I leak out my social media accounts,and should I start putting titles in the chapters. I would like to....so yeah I might start naming the chapters. But don't worry I'll still put the MONSTA X member names in the title as well. Okay that's all for now. Bye!

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