11.Minhyuk-Internet Friends

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Click ,click ,click ....It was a one of your lazy days to just stay home and browse through the internet. You had recently been addicted to a website called chatroom.org . You'd even met a few people on there, and now consider them your friends. It was a rather safe site, and you had no problem making friends, and talking to various strangers with the same interests. While browsing through your profile, a new friend request had popped up on the screen. You clicked on it, and it opened up a very colorful page. Minhyuk,22 years old, South Korean boy. At least that's what the profile read; he was a platinum blonde, who seemed very friendly with all the people he had befriended. You decided to allow him to friend you, and a few minutes later he sent you a message.

Minhyuk: Hi :)

You: Um..hi?

Minhyuk: Aw no need to be so scared.
I'm just looking for friends. :)

You: Oh okay. So how's life?

Minhyuk: Pretty okay-ish? How about your life?

You: Okay-ish? What kind of a word is that?And I guess it's going well ^^

Minhyuk: It's a word I made up. And that's good, a pretty girl like you should have a wonderful life :)

You: Hahaha, thanks. You're quite handsome yourself .

Minhyuk: Thanks. So what are your interests, or hobbies?

You spent almost five hours just talking to Minhyuk. You both enjoyed yourself so much, the two of you decided to meet up on the website at a certain time the next day. Minhyuk was a very charming person to talk to, and he had so many funny stories about his six friends. When he was talking about one friend in particular, the name sounded very familiar. You brushed it off, as the name Hoseok was very common. The way he described his friend sounded a lot like a certain Hoseok in your Science class. Whatever, it could just be a coincidence....right?


The next day came quite fast, and you quickly logged onto chatroom.org. You saw a green light on Mihyuk's name, which signified that he was online. He must've seen you were online as well, because he immediately video called you. BRRRIIINNGG! BRRRIIINNGG! You answered the call, and a few seconds later you were staring at a pixle-ized Minhyuk.

"Oh my...Y/N. You're actually real! I thought you were catfishing me or something.."

"Hahaha! I thought the same thing Minhyuk."

"Haha yeah. So what are you up to?"

"I'm was just about to finish some homework for my teacher Mr.Choi."

"Mr.C-Choi? Did you just say Mr. Choi?!?"


"OMG!! I have a teacher named Mr.Choi also!!"


"Yeah, I have him for math. I go to Seoul High School."

".....I-I go to Seoul High School too...."


"I don't know. Weird, so on Monday ..let's meet up at the oak tree."

Okay yeah. So about that homework? Maybe I could help you with it?"

Yeah sure, that would be great!"

Almost seven hours had passed, and you and Minhyuk were still busy talking about some school gossip. He had finished helping you with your homework, and you both had found out you had a class together. When Monday rolled around, Minhyuk waited for you at the oak tree, and he even introduced you to his friends. You sat with him at lunch, and he walked you home the same day. That sort of schedule went on for the rest of the year, and when graduation came, Minhyuk confessed his feelings for you. You gladly accepted them, and now you two plan to go to university together.


Well this chapter is finished, and it sucks....oh whale. So this is how I'm going to update from now on. It'll be on the weekends.^^ Okay, so that's all for now. Bye!


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