13.Shownu - Work out

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Your legs wobbled as you ran on the treadmill. Yes, you found yourself surprisingly working out at your local gym. Your friend had pointed out that tou had gained quite a bit of weight. So after that, you had decided you would devote yourself to the gym. After about 15 minutes on the treadmill, you thought it would be best to do a couple of squats. You made your way to the mirrors, and picked up two, small, 10 pound weights. While squatting down, you noticed a tall, very good looking boy doing some pushups on a mat near you. Seeing as you had a few extra waters, you decided to offer him one. You slowly inched yourself near the boy, and bent down to lightly tap his shoulder. He quickly looked up, and gave you a small smile.

"Hey um...I have a few extra waters. I was wondering if you wanted one?"

"Oh, yeah. Sure, that would be great actually."

You handed him a water, and you both took a seat on a nearby bench. You watched as he screwed open the bottle, and gulped down the liquid. He turned to look at you, and you quickly looked down at your shoes. You heard a small laugh, and some shuffling.

"Thanks for the water....uhh..?"


"Y/N? Very pretty name, for a pretty girl."

You couldn't help but smile wide at his compliment. "Thank you....?"

"My name's Shownu. Nice to meet you Y/N." Shownu outstreched his hand for you to shake, and you happily took it. "So Y/N, come here often?"

"No...not really. My friend said I was gaining some weight, so I decided to take a trip to the gym."

"Gaining weight?!? Well I think you should gain weight. It looks like you're too skinny, and that's not very healthy. You shouldn't have to change yourself just for others Y/N."

You gave Shownu a small smile," Thanks, but in all honesty, I think it's good I go to the gym. I never really go often, so this will be a change."

"Well I guess we should get started on your workout then?", Shownu stood up and held out his hand for you to take. You took it, and he lead you over to the yoga mats.

"What are we going to do?"

"Oh, I thought maybe some yoga would help out for your workout",Shownu beamed.

You smiled, and unrolled a mat dor you to sit on. Shownu did the same, and sat down on the mat next to you.
Time had really passed when you checked your phone. You had been working out for over 3 hours, but you didn't mind. You found it to be rather enjoyable, you and Shownu had talked alot during the workout. He was a really nice, and sincere guy who loved and cared for his six friends dearly. He told you crazy stories about them, and you told him some of stories of your friends too. You two had found out alot about each other, and you didn't want it to end.

"So I had realy fun working out with you."

"Yeah me too, we should do this more often",you smiled at Shownu.

"Well we could, I mean if you ever need a personal trainer I'm always available",Shownu handed you a piece on paper with his number, and winked at you.

You smiled at him, and you two bid your goodbyes. You drove home in silence, but it was a comfortable silence. You were happy to meet a cute guy, and get his number in the process. Just wait until you tell your friends!


A/N: So another late update....so sorry. School has kept me busy, and I've had to write alot of essays... but I hope you all enjoy this update. How is school for you guys? Have you even started? I hope it's going well for you all. Well that's all, bye!

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