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This chapter is dedicated to one of my loyal supporters @Chae__Eun_Joo_ , sorry I couldn't do the other chapter you wanted. I hope this makes up for it.
Riiing! Riiing! Grumbling, you sat up in your bed to answer your phone. You instantly smiled once you read the caller ID,'Hyungwon ❤'. You answered, and put the phone on speaker, so you could make your way to the kitchen.


"Hey Y/N! Are you busy today?"

"Hm...no. I'm not doing anything today..."

"Okay good, because I was already heading to your place..."

"Why? What are you planning Hyungwon...?", You said teasingly.

"It's a surprise! Okay, I'll call you back. I'm in really bad traffic! Bye!"

You hung up the phone, and ran to your room to take a quick shower. You decided to wear some comfortable clothes, since you didn't really want to go anywhere today, and you figured Hyungwon didn't want to also. Well...when did he really? You've known Hyungwon since you were 3, and you both became instant best friends. Just recently, he confessed his feelings for you, and you happily accepted them. You can call it a relationship, but you didn't really see it as that. You saw it as a "courtship".
After you got out of the shower, you put your hair up into a tight bun. You didn't put any makeup on, as you thought your skin needed a break. You slid on your fuzzy cat socks that Hyungwon bought for you on your birthday, and went back to the kitchen. While you waited for Hyungwon, you thought it would be nice to make some food for you both to eat. Just as you finished laying everything out, you heard a soft knock on the door. You walked over to the door with a spring in your step, and opened it to reveal a overly-excited Hyungwon.

"Hello Y/N!",Hyungwon engulfed you into a tight hug.

"Hi Hyu-ungwon...",you helplessly breathed out, due to lack of air you were recieving from the tight embrace.

"Oh my god I'm sorry."Hyungwon quickly pulled away. You smiled at him, and let him into the house. Hyungwon walked straight into the kitchen, and sat himself at the table. He beamed at the sight of the food, and he picked up a pair of chopsticks.
"What do you think you're doing?",you said playfully.

"I'm deciding whether or not to eat your delicious food...."

You laughed, and Hyungwon just sat there,"yes go ahead, I made it for the both of us dork..."Hyungwon smiled and dug right in, you followed right after.
After you finished eating, you were curious as to why Hyungwon decided to come over. Considering, he was a college student, and his busy schedule, it was rare when he had time off.

"Hey Hyungwon, what do you have planned for us today?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. We're going to make a cake! Yay!"

You jumped in your seat, you have never baked anything with Hyungwon, so this was new. It was also strange, because Hyungwon didn't really like to cook or anything like that. So why now?
You and Hyungwon laid out all of the ingredients for the cake, and got started. You needed two eggs, a cup of water, a half cup of sugar, and a third cup of oil. You read out these ingredients, and waited for Hyungwon to retrieve them. You told him to also get the flour out, so the cake won't stick to the pan. Hyungwon replied with a 'whatever', and got it anyways. You both added in the ingredients, and Hyungwon let you stir. Once it was stirred, you both got a spoon to dip into the mixture. It tasted suprisingly good, and right as the thought came, you felt something cold on your cheek. When you tried to wipe it off, Hyungwon stopped you saying-

"Oh Y/N, what a mess you've made. Look you even got it on your cheek! Here let me get it..", Hyungwon grabbed a towel and carefully wiped your cheek. When you thought it was all off, Hyungwon leaned in close to your face. He grabbed the side of your other cheek, and leaned in even closer to place a sweet kiss to your affected cheek. You blushed ferociously, and Hyungwon smiled satisfied.
"Okay Y/N, let's get back to work."

You smirked and got a handful of flour, and lunged it at Hyungwon. He turned around, shocked, but threw more flour at you. This 'flour fight' went on for a couple of minutes, until you both were covered completely in flour. Hyungwon tiredly grasped the side of the counter for support. You leaned on the table, and smiled at Hyungwon. "Hyungwon, we should really start putting the cake in the oven..".Hyungwon nodded, and walked over to the oven. You told him to go on without you, so you could wipe some of the flour off your face. You walked into the bathroom and splashed water onto your face. When you walked back into the kitchen, Hyungwon had his back to you. You smiled, and hugged him from behind. He spun around, and hugged you from the front.
While the cake baked, Hyungwon suggested you both watch a movie. You agreed, and thirty minutes into the movie, you heard a loud ting. You and Hyungwon both walked into the kitchen to retrieve the cake. Hyungwon fished it out of the oven, and placed it onto the cooling rack. You both waited fifteen minutes, before returning back to cut the cake. You volunteered to cut it, but Hyungwon refused. You noticed that Hyungwon cut only in certain areas, when you asked why, he replied, 'these areas look better'. Shrugging, you allowed him to cut your piece. You both sat at the table, and counted to three.

"One.......two.......three!", when you hit three, you both placed a small amount of cake into your mouth. When you bit down, you felt something hard and metal-like. You pulled it out, and to your suprise it was a ring! You looked up at Hyungwon, shocked to say the least,  and he just smiled. You quickly wiped away any cake residue on the ring, and Hyungwon held up his hand to show a simular ring. You studied the ring, and noticed some engravings in it.

'I promise myself to you Y/N,'

You stared in awe, and Hyungwon grabbed your hand, and placed a kiss on it.

"Y/N, would you make me the happiest person alive, and agree to be my girlfriend?"

"Oh-h my...yes. Yes I would!",you smiled at Hyungwon, and he leaned in closer to your face. You closed the gap between both your lips, and could even taste the slight flavor of cake.


A/N: Well this chapter was okay, I had to write it on my phone since my laptop doesn't want to connect to the new wifi....sigh. I was wondering, should I do a facts about me chapter? Or are you guys not interested in me that much? Haha whatever, just comment if i should do one of those chapters. Also to the person that I dedicated this chapter to, I hope you enjoyed it. Sorry I couldn't do the other chapter you wanted, but I hoped you enjoyed this one, since I know you love Hyungwon. Okay well that's all I have to say for now. Bye!

-Author ❤

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