7.Jooheon Part 2-The Viking

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Requested by @MonstaXLoverz and @_KimJiwon_
It had been a week since you adopted Mr.Teddy. Things were going really well, and you and your new pet were getting along great. You had shown your brother Minhyuk that you were finally responsible enough to make it on your own. He trusted you, so he helped you move out to a house not too far from his. You had finished packing, and were extremely bored out of your mind. You went on your phone for a while, and decided to text some of your friends. That was when one contact name in particular sparked your interest.


Jooheony ❤. That's what the digital lettering read. You immediately sat up from your bed, and pressed the call button. It rang for a while, but you were so nervous, you decided to hang up. Finally, you gathered up the courage once again and pressed call. It rang for a short period of time, then Jooheon answered.


"Hey Jooheon!"

"Oh, Y/N, hello! How are you doing?"

"I'm doing fine. Listen, I wondering if you wanted to maybe hangout today?"

"Sure! I would love to. Where and what time?"

"Um.....how about the fair downtown? And whatever time you're okay with."

"I'll pick you up around 7, is that okay?"

"Yeah, that's totally fine with me!"

"Alright Y/N, see you then. Bye"

You hung up the phone, and were extremely excited. You glanced at the clock on your wall, and it read 5:38. 'Oh shit', you thought, ' I only have like two hours to get ready!!!' You rushed to your room, and grabbed some clothes to shower. You got out of the shower, and did your hair, makeup, and added a few accessories to your outfit. Before you knew it, it was few minutes before 7 o'clock. You grabbed a few necessities, threw them in your purse, and waited on the couch for Jooheon. After a few minutes of waiting, you heard a knock on the door. You jumped up, and opened the door.


"Hello Y/N, you're looking pretty."

You blushed, and smiled up at him," Thank you dimple boy, shall we head out now?"

"Sure", Jooheon held out his arm for you to take. He escorted you outside to the waiting car, opened the door for you, and even seatbelted you in. Jooheon was an extreme gentleman, and treated you the way you wanted to be treated. He laughed at all your jokes, and made some with you as well. The drive to the fair was short, and you both were really excited to get inside. Jooheon payed for the two of you, and the first thing you both did was get something to eat. Jooheon bought a big bowl of shaved ice, and you guys shared it.


"Thank you for paying Jooheon."

"Oh it's no problem Y/N, I want to treat you today. So what ride do you want to ride first?"

"How about the viking?"

Jooheon's facial expression changed from a happy one, to a nervous one. "Um....a-are you sure about that one? I h-heard it's pretty scary...."

"Oh come on Jooheon it can't be that scary!"

"Okay...fine,but if I die, you're paying for my funeral!"

You playfully rolled your eyes, and continued to snack on the shaved ice. It took you both a few minutes to finish it, and when you did, you made your way to the viking. Jooheon hesitated at first, but after convincing words, he decided to man up. You got the best seats out of the whole ride, and were expecting the best out of it.


"Yes Jooheon?"

"If I die, I want you to know that I really like you, and want to spend more time with y-" Jooheon didn't get to finish his words before the ride shut him up. The ride started to slowly swing from side to side, and pick up momentum. It violently threw itself in the air, and Jooheon was practically screaming his head off. You laughed at him of course, and put your hands in the air. When the ride stopped, you looked over at Jooheon to discover how pale he was.

"Jooheon, are you okay? You're really pale."

"Yeah I'm fine Y/N",Jooheon gave you a reassuring smile, and grabbed your hand to lead you to another ride. You blushed, and still couldn't get the words Jooheon spoke before the ride out of your head. So you decided to ask him about it.

"Jooheon. About what you said earlier....y-you know about how you want to spend more time with me? Did you really mean it?"

Jooheon looked over at you, flustered,"Y-yeah I did...I was kinda hoping you would forget about it..."

You smiled at him,"I want to spend more time with you too Jooheon. I think you're a really good guy, and I want to get closer with you."

Jooheon looked completely shocked, but it was quickly replaced with joy,"Y/N....you just made me the happiest person in the world!" Jooheon hugged you, and when you hugged back, he took the opportunity to spin you around. You both laughed, and got in line for another ride.


It soon became dark, and you both were exhausted. Jooheon drove you home, and walked you to your doorstep. You honestly didn't want the day to end, but sadly, things didn't work that way...

"I had alot of fun with you today Y/N, Maybe we could go on a second date?"

"This was a date?", You playfully joked while wiggling your eyebrows at Jooheon. This only made him blush even darker, and fiddle around nervously.

"U-uh...I m-meant...another day o-out?"

You giggled at his shyness,"Jooheon I'm joking with you, but yes there will be a second date."

Jooheon smiled, showing his much-admired dimples. He pulled you in for another hug, and this one lasted way longer than the one at the fair. "Goodnight Y/N....sweet dreams."

You smiled up at Jooheon, and did the unexpected. You tippy-toed closer to Jooheon's face, and gave him a quick peck on the cheek, "Sweet dreams Jooheony."

Jooheon's face lit up with joy, and he walked back to his car. Before you closed the front door, he waved to you from the driver seat. You waved back, and with that, Jooheon drove off. You smiled to yourself as you locked the front door, and fantasized about your 'second date' with Jooheon.


A/N: Omg thank you all so much for reading these short stories. It means a lot to me, and thank you also for commenting and voting on these as well. There was so many MONSTA X Right Now references in this chapter. That was because I was watching the episodes before writing this, to get inspiration. But anyways, that's besides the point, thank you very much, and please expect another update soon!

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