Chapter 10 - Dufflepuds with Coriakin

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"Emma, Emma wake up" i groaned

"what Caspian" i rubbed my eyes sitting up.

"look" i looked around there were large footprints i gasped and shook Chris awake. he shot up.

"where's Lucy" i looked over to where she should have been sleeping.

"up up i tell ya" Dorian ordered. i grabbed my stuff and we raced off  we arrived in some gardens i held out my sward

"Caspian, Emma. Lucy's dagger" we looked down and Ed took it. Spears were thrown making us jump.

"stop right there" a  voice growled

"look here" my sward was taken out of my hand and i was slapped. knocking to the ground.

"what sort of creatures are you?" i asked

"big ones" a different voice replied

"with the head of a tiger and a body of a ...." i trailed off.

"different tiger" one added and they agreed

"you don't want to mess with us" it said.

"or what?" Ed questioned

"or I'll claw you to death" they voices became visible they were men with big round bellies and one large foot.

"put my tusks right through you.

"you mean squash us with your fat bellies" they were confused looking down

"tickle us with your toes" Cas teased, they fell to the ground we laughed

"now what have you done with my little sister you pipsqueak" Edmund asked

"now calm down" he replied

"where is she?"  he demanded they all encouraged  for the chief to spill.

"in the mansion" was the answer

"what mansion" a big mansion appeared to us.

"oh that mansion" the doors opened and Lucy came out with a man in a cloak.

"your majesties" he bowed.

"Caspian, Emma and Edmund. this is Coriakin it's his island" we bowed

"that what he thinks. you have wronged us magician" one of them said

"i have not wronged you i made you invisible for your own protection"

they all bounced away fast when her threw something at them.

"what were those things" Eustace asked oh when did he get here.

"dufflepuds" we went inside and up the stairs leading us down a corridor

"what did you mean when you said you made the invisible for a their own protection" Lucy asked

"it seemed the easiest way to protect them from the evil" he replied

"you mean the mist?" Ed asked as we entered a room.

"i mean what lies behind the mist"

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