Chapter 20 - Back with the Family

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we were back hone and the light from the painting disappeared i was now in my blue Narnian dress but something was different i looked down on my neck was a necklace with miniature version of Reeps sward. thank you father. i looked at Christopher.

"come on lets change and see your father. his eyes lit up and that what we did 10 minutes later we resurfaced from the cellar. heading to the study we knocked on the door.

"come in." we entered. Peter was working with Grandpa.

"grand pa would you mind taking Christopher and helping him with is home work" i asked

"but i though you said we could tell them about our trip to Narnia" Chris whined

"at dinner Christ i have to talk with your father...please." Grandpa nodded and left the room with Chris i shut the door and sit next to Peter.

"so you went then." he stated.

"yes and it wasn't the same without you so many things we did i wished you were there and i felt guilty. I'm sorry that you can't go back anymore and i really wish you could..." he cut me off

"it fine Emma i know and sometimes I'm sad because you still get to have adventures..." i cut him off

"we were searching for the seven lost lord of Telmar and till one point evil would have the upper hand the sea and mist played trick without mind. i had night mares and visions of you hating me because of my gift." he lift me onto his lap.

"never would i hate you Emma, i love you with all my heart" we smile and he kisses me.

"i do have some good news for you though. your cousin Eustace is no longer a little brat" he raises his eyebrows.

"really how so?" i laugh

"i think I'll leave Chris to tell you that. or Edmund and Lucy"  i smiled leaning back.

"i best be getting dinner sorted. I'll let you get back to your studies"  i stand up.

"oh no I'm going to help we haven't spent much time with me studying. i promise that once these exams are over and done with we'll find a house of own where we can spend as much time together as university allows us" i laugh as we walk out and begin cooking.

during dinner Christopher with help from me explained out voyage on the Dawn Treader both before, during and After with help from me. Peter was very happy to know that Chris had his sword. hearing Lucy and Edmund were there with Eustace. he was sad to hear about Reep but noted it was only fitting one of his friends had his sword.

it was now night and i laid beside Peter.

"Peter how about we take a trip to Cambridge I'm sure Lucy and Edmund would be delighted." i comment as i lay in his arms.

"yes and i would much like to see my new cousin" he replies, so that's what we did a couple of weeks we travelled to Cambridge and met up with them Peter was surprised how nice Eustace was but knowing he had been a dragon i lessened the shock.

Peter got into university and we moved house when Eleanor was one i returned with my two children and watched as Eustace help save Rillian, Caspian's son with his friend Jill Pole. at the age of 19 while trying to save Narnia again all except Susan were involved in a train crash. out of our Narnia group none survived and we were in my father's country where we saw all of our friend and lived our new life to the fullest.

The End 

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