Chapter 2

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Dear Diary.

Today Eleanor came over. I met her a long time agow, and we where friends. But that's over now. Modest decided that Louis and Eleanor should date, So no one would think me and Louis would date. All this time i was thinking that Niall loved Lou, i'm so stupid Diary. Louis told me that it was stupid that he had to date El, he didn't even like her. He gave me hope, i tought. When i came home they where kissing on the couch. I couldn't handle it, i ran upstairs and took a shower. I love the shower Diary, to bad you can't shower. Louis also told me he never loved me. He hurted my feelings really bad. The only one who knows it, is Niall. He is helping me with everything, but he has his own problems. I'm scared Diary, what if i lose Louis as my best friend? What if he's going to move out of our house? I'm scared.

Today Niall and i where at my moms house. We love to be there, Niall feels at home there and, well, she's my mom. She made us some cookies and we watched tv. Not really special, but i think me and Niall are getting closer. I like him, in a friendly way. He's funny, and weird, and i feel safe. When someone is saying something mean about me he's getting mad, it's funny to see, because he is scared as a baby panda. One time a fan yelled that she hates me, he walked to her and said: Well now you can't have a hug. It was lame, but it was kind of cute. Niall has a secret crush on Demi Lovato. They Skype every night, but she told me he's not her type. Friendzoned, again. His second name should be Friendzone, Niall Friendzone Horan. No that's mean. Niall is amazing, he just can't find the right girl. Just like me. The problem is that i don't want a girl, i want a Louis. A Louis Tomlinson, if that's possible. I will put his name on my Christmas list. Wow Harry you're so weird haha.

Liam was mad to today. Danielle was hanging out with another guy, so he was mad. Funny to see, when Liam is mad he isn't really mad, he just go like: Grrrr. Like a bear, it's funny to see. I like Danielle. I love to watch her when she's dancing, it's cool. What do you think Diary, should i be a good dancer? No i don't thing so. Niall is a good dancer, Louis to. And Zayn.. Well lets just say that cool kids don't dance.

Louis noticed i was writing in you Diary, and he asked if he's allowed to read it. I don't know, maybe, one day. Not this today. It's realy hurting me to see him with El. It's awefull. Only Niall knows what's going on, and he doesn't really know what to do. Yesterday he did something amazing. Louis and Niall where watching a movie, and Niall asked me to join them. After five minuits he said he let something in his car, but he never came back. I asked him why he did that. "You wanted Louis for yourself, your welcome" he said with a big smile on his face. Nialls smile is special, one of a kind. Niall is one of a kind. When you're having a lot of problems, and feeling sad, you just walk out of your room and Niall will pass you on the segway.

We wrote a new song today Diary, and i love it. I think it's my favourit song, because it reminds me of Louis. Little Things. It's beautfull. Just saying haha. I hope the fans love it to, i'm really proud of it. I think Niall made it, but i'm not sure. Eleanor heard it to, she said it was amazing and that she couldn't wait to see Louis cute face in the video. Stupid El. She needs te stay away from my boy. I'm scared Diary, Scared of losing him.

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