"Ze vhat?"

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Zaylee's POV:
I woke up next to Pavel. My face was buried into the crook of his neck. I looked around and saw him asleep. The blanket was pulled up to our bottom halves and was mostly covering me.

I ran my fingers through Pavel's hair

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I ran my fingers through Pavel's hair. I kissed his head and he stirred a little. I buried my face back into the crook of his neck. I closed my eyes and didn't want to get up. All of a sudden the door flew open. Pavel sat up quickly, causing me to fall off of him. Kirk said "Chekov! Bloom! Come on!" Pavel rubbed his eyes tiredly and said "vhat is it keptain?" Pavel looked at me and frowned. "I'm sorry. I totally forgot you were laying on top of me." Pavel said with a blush. "It's ok." I replied. Kirk groaned in disgust and said "come on!" "Vhyyyy?" Pavel whined. I looked up and said "Pavel they're still there. Look." I pointed to the sky and Pavel smiled.

"Come on! I don't have time for this! The ship is under attack Chekov! I need you!" Kirk said

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"Come on! I don't have time for this! The ship is under attack Chekov! I need you!" Kirk said. The ship boomed and shook. Pavel nodded and stood up. He kissed my lips quickly and said "bye." He ran off towards navigation. "Move! Move!" I heard down the hallway. I giggled at him and Kirk turned around and looked at me. "You really like him don't you?" He asked. I nodded with a blush. Kirk nodded and said "good. Now get your ass to medical." I snickered and ran to medical. Bones said "welcome back." "What?" I asked. "Oh yeah I know where you were. With Chekov in the observation room." Bones replied. I laughed and said "that's all we did. That's all we do now these days." Bones nodded and Kirk's voice came through Bones' com. "Bones get up here now! Bring Zaylee!" He said. We ran up to the bridge. The ship groaned and shook as things were shot into it. People were sucked out and I gasped. Bones grabbed me and said "come on!" We barely got to the bridge and Kirk said "you guys ok?" I nodded and Spock said "enemies." Uhura looked up towards the window and said "Gorn captain." Kirk's eyes widened and Chekov said "they are locking missiles." "Sulu get us out of here now!" Kirk said. Sulu said "I'm giving all she's got sir! She can't take it." "Scotty do not let these bastards shoot us down!" Kirk said into his comm. Scotty said "I'm trying captain!" "Keptain they're locking torpedoes!" Pavel said. My eyes widened as the ship was shot at with torpedoes and missiles." Bones said "do something damn it!" I looked towards the window and got closer. "Zaylee move! The glass!" Kirk said. I gasped and felt someone push me out of the way. The glass cracked and there were little shards of glass on the floor. Wind whooshed through the ship. A piece of the window was gone. "Save them James!" Uhura screamed. I looked to my left and saw Pavel hanging onto the ship for dear life. I grabbed him and tried to pull him into the ship. I pushed onto the wall in front of me with me feet. "Zaylee." Pavel said. My hair blew in my face and a tear slipped down my cheek. "Zaylee you can't hold on." Pavel said. I shook my head and said "you're not going anywhere." "Captain I can close the hole but Chekov has to be out of the way!" Scotty said. "Do it!" Kirk said. "Can you pull him?" Spock asked. I nodded and pulled with all my might. I screamed as I pulled him into the ship and the hole closed. Pavel dropped to the floor and I collapsed onto my back. Bones said "good god." I panted and Pavel crawled over to me. I examined him for injuries and he said "I'm ok." "Are you sure?" I asked. I checked his face and he nodded. I hugged him and didn't want to pull away. Kirk panted and said "jeez." Pavel peppered my face with kisses and I giggled. Sulu said "is he ok?" I nodded and Pavel stood up. He held his hand out for me and pulled me up to my feet. "What are those things?" Bones asked. "Gorn." Spock replied. Bones rolled his eyes and said "what the hell is Gorn?" "An alien race." I replied. Bones' eyes widened and I said "what?" Kirk said "they want to use that Helios device against us." "Who?" Pavel asked. "The Gorn." Bones replied. "Ze vhat?" Pavel asked. I giggled and said "the alien race wants to use the Helios device against us. And they're called Gorn." Pavel nodded and Kirk said "how was that so hard to understand?" Pavel shrugged and put his arms around me. I giggled and Kirk said "no public pda." Pavel pouted and I said "don't listen to him baby." Pavel smiled down at me and kissed my nose. "Ew stop." Kirk said. Uhura smiled at us and Bones said "good god man." "No public affection please." Spock said. "What about you and Uhura?" I asked. Kirk snickered and Sulu said "it's the truth." Spock said "none of that is relevant." Kirk laughed and said "sure. We have to go to Frontier Starbase for repairs. And we'll deal with things from there. Sulu if you would put us into warp. The ship isn't that damaged but it isn't 100%." Sulu nodded and the ship went into warp. Bones walked off the bridge and I looked at Pavel, who made funny faces at me. I giggled and blushed.

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