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Zaylee's POV:
"Since the crew is down that crater can't we beam them out?" Kirk asked. Scotty said "possibly." Spock looked towards Scotty and Bones sighed in annoyance. "Does anyone know anything?" He asked. Kirk huffed and Pavel walked towards one of the screens. He frowned and said "ve kan't." Ve kan't vhat?" Kirk asked. Pavel eyed him for imitating his accent. Kirk smirked at him and Pavel said "you're not funny." Kirk snickered and said "I think it's pretty funny." Pavel sighed and said "ve kan't beam zhem out. Because of ze crater." Kirk nodded and said "looks like we gotta go down there. Jaylah will you take us?" She looked towards him and said "I'm not going down there. People who go there do not come back alive. Do you understand?" Kirk sighed and said "you need to take us. Please." "No." She replied. "Plees?" Pavel asked. He looked toward her and kinda smiled.

Jaylah nodded and looked at Pavel

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Jaylah nodded and looked at Pavel. He smiled sweetly towards her and she half smiled. She stood up and walked away. Scotty followed her and Pavel sat down. I kissed his head and followed Scotty. Jaylah sat with her head down and Scotty was trying to talk her into taking us. And he was reassuring her that we'd make sure she'd be ok.

We walked to Kirk along with Spock with the plan they were going with

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We walked to Kirk along with Spock with the plan they were going with. "I'll need Chekov to go with me." Kirk said. Spock said "isn't he the best beamer?" "Yes I am. But if keptain needs me then I'll go. Plus I can manually beam myself back sir." Pavel said. Kirk nodded and said "I'll bring Zaylee too. The two of them together are pretty good." Pavel got into a disguise. Dark clothing. I went into a separate room and peeled off my red dress. I put on some skinny jeans and a dark top. I walked out and Kirk said "whenever y'all are ready." "Let's do this." I said. I'd be going with Pavel and Kirk would be dropping us off. I cupped Pavel's cheeks and said "I love you. And be careful." I kissed his lips and he nodded when I pulled away.

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