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Zaylee's POV:
Being inside an abandoned Starship was very difficult. Also when it didn't work. Milo rolled over every once in a while. I stroked his head and tried to keep him asleep. Clattering and clinking went off every once in a while. I knew Scotty was working hard. Milo opened his eyes and said "I'm hungry mommy." I nodded and said "Jaylah?" She walked up to us and said "what is it?" "Do you have any food?" I asked. Jaylah said "there's some food not far from here. Right where the trees become dense, there should be some berries there." She replied. I nodded and stood up, taking Milo with me. We walked out of her 'house' and avoided all her traps. There was a short ledge to the dense trees.

I climbed down slowly and said "Milo come on

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I climbed down slowly and said "Milo come on." He jumped down and I heard a crack. More like a snap. Milo screamed. It was a painful scream. I turned around and my eyes widened. He clutched his ankle and I ran over to him. "Baby what happened?" I asked. "Mommy I jumped! I jumped!" He screamed. I looked around and tried to shush him. "Baby shh. Please." I said softly. Milo sobbed and his ankle was broken. I frowned and said "ok baby. We'll find Bones don't worry." Milo cried and said "it hurts mommy. It hurts." I nodded and picked him up. But when I did he screamed in agonizing pain. "Oh my gosh what is it?!" I screamed. As I felt his leg it was broken. I shuddered and held in my sobs. There was nothing I could do. I didn't have any medical supplies. "Shit." I said softly. Milo sobbed and I grabbed some vines. "Mommy no!" Milo screamed. "It's gonna help." I said. Milo shook his head violently and said "no! Mommy stop! Papa!" "Milo I have to do this! Stop! They'll hear you." I whispered the last part. He nodded and I stroked his head. I wrapped the vine around his leg as a tourniquet. Milo winced softly and I kissed his head. "Shh. It's ok baby." I said. He nodded again and I said "let's get those berries."

Kirk's POV:
We walked in the woods. Pavel got slower with each step. "Come on." I said. Pavel nodded and all of a sudden a piercing scream ran out. Pavel's eyes widened and I looked around. I grabbed my phaser and Pavel looked at me. "Keptain? Vhat vas zat?" He asked. I looked around and the scream rang out again.

"Mommy I jumped!"

It was faint and Pavel said "Zaylee!" I looked at him crazily.

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