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*Samantha's POV*

I woke up late. My night had been disturbed by constant worry that I had so much tidying to do when I woke up in the morning and the return of my nightmare, the recurring image of my body being forced to the ground, a man with no face hovering above me. I jolted upright at 9.30, my body lined with a thin sheen of sweat which I then had to waste time washing off in the shower. I rushed around the room, a towel wrapped in my hair ad around my body and I scooped up discarded clothing from the night before, giving up on placing each item on hangers and simply throwing them into the wardrobe where I would deal with them later. My Mum would be here in an hour and still shoes, and magazines, and empty take out containers were strewn across the flat. I inwardly cursed my own messiness.

I tripped over a stray shoes as I flung the others in the wardrobe, cursing it before throwing it to join the others. Next I rushed into the lounge where I gathered up all the old take out containers in my arms and stuffed them rather carelessly and with much force into the small trash can. I straightened he magazines into a near pile and aligned the remote controls on the coffee table before I dashed back into the bathroom to make myself presentable.

I blasted my hair as quickly as I could with the hair dryer before straightening it, curling it would take more time than I had available. I washed my face, applied a light layer of make-up and moisturised my body before scuttling, naked, into my bedroom and getting dressed, putting on my jeans much harder than usual as they stuck to the cream. I had just straightened up the light jumper I was wearing and ran a brush through my hair when the buzzer sounded.

My Mum appeared at the door as I let her in, she placed down the bags she had brought with her even though, to my knowledge, she was only here for the day and opened her arms to embrace me.

"Hello, Samantha my dear" she said as I shuffled into her arms, stooping slightly in order to hold her as she fell slightly below me in height.

"Hi Mum" I said into her shoulder. She gave me a tight squeeze before letting go and reaching down to pick up her bags, I offered to help but she waved me off.

"No no, I've got it dear" she said as she slipped past me into the flat and headed towards the kitchen.

"I've brought you some things dear, some food and toiletries, I know how expensive things can be in London so I wanted to help you out a bit," she said as she began pulling items from the many bags she had set on the counter, "I made a lasagne the other night, so I put come of it in a tub for you, eat it soon or it will be no good. And your Father went to that butcher you like and got you a couple of steaks, I told him to only get you one but you know what he's like. There's also sweets and things as a little treat. And then there are cleaning products and toothpaste, and I brought you some wet wipes because I know how quickly you go through those things" she rambled on, setting each item out on the side before scrunching up the bags and placing them into the plastic bag holder she had bought me for Christmas, 'save you paying for them all the time' she had said.

"Thanks Mum that's great, did you carry all that here on the train?" I asked as she began putting the perishables away into the fridge.

"Oh yes, it's not far, and some lovely young man gave up his seat for me so I could sit with them. You would have liked him Samantha, very good looking young boy" she said and I rolled my eyes while she kept her back to me. Over the years my mother had become fixated on my love life, I think she finds it odd that being in a relationship really isn't high on my list of priorities, each chance she got she would point out someone we would see on the street and say 'he's nice Samantha, what about him' as if I would go 'yes mother he's lovely, wait here while I go over and make my desire to be in a relationship with him known'. Instead I would simply reply with a groan and an 'oh Mum'.

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