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*Samantha's POV*

"Harry stop" I cried, salty tears leaking from my eyes as he kept the pressure firmly on my throat. His eyes bore into my own, the outline of my vision blurred with tears as I shrunk beneath the intensity of his gaze. There was malice and aggression behind his stare, the light green pools were tainted with the darkness I had seen only twice before, but it was enough to make me fear what he might do to me.

"You think you know what you're doing, little girl?" he hissed, his warm breath fanning my face as he leaned forwards towards me, his nose almost brushing with mine as he rested even more of his weight on the arm that was lodged firmly against my neck. I gasped and choked once more, my legs began to tremble as I attempted to keep calm. This was Harry, the Harry who stayed here with me last night just to make sure I was ok, and the Harry who adored his sister, and who loved my company. He wasn't going to hurt me...

"You have no idea what you're dealing with" he spat, tiny flecks of spittle following his threat as he glowered at me. His body was now almost resting completely against mine and I could no longer move. Panic was bubbling through my veins as he pinned me against the wall. I couldn't move, I couldn't fight back, I was truly helpless and at the complete mercy of him, there was nothing I could do.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I asked, my voice hoarse and raspy under his weight. I could feel my face beginning to flush a dark shade of pink as it fought for the oxygen he was depriving me of, my lips felt dry as I sucked in short, fast gulps of air, anything to satisfy my lungs which were beginning to burn in my chest. My heart was racing and I was starting to get lightheaded. I fought for consciousness as he watched me struggle, a mild curiosity behind his gaze as he observed what it was like to choke someone. He seemed intrigued by the reaction to him, but made no move to release pressure on my throat.

"Because you're meddling in things you don't understand, you're out of your depth with me. You have no idea what I can do" he said. His voice was deadly calm as he spoke, his words dripping with threat as his eyes wavered between my watery ones.

"This isn't you Harry, please" I begged. In any other situation I would slap myself for begging him, why couldn't I get myself out of this, why couldn't I fight back? Perhaps he's right, I am just a frightened little girl messing with things I don't understand.

My body was shutting down as what little oxygen I had left evaporated in my lungs, there was nothing more I could do as my eyes began to flutter closed, my hazy vision turning black as my body melted like jelly into the wall. I forced my eyes open to look at him one last time. His brow was furrowed as he watched me, like he was confused as to how we had ended up in this situation, how he had placed his forearm on my throat and was pressing the air out of me. His eyes widened as he took in the scene before him, they were light once more, and full of fear. He pulled away suddenly.

I sucked in a sudden gulp of air as the pressure was released from my throat. I coughed and spluttered as I placed both of my hands to my neck, falling back against the wall and sliding to the ground. My lungs burned as I sucked in a much oxygen as I could manage.

Harry had stumbled backwards to the other side of the kitchen, his back colliding with the countertop as he watched with horror as I slowly returned from the brink of unconsciousness. His eyes were wide and full of panic, his mouth hung agape and his hands shook at his sides. He made a step towards me but I cowered against the wall in an effort to stay as far away from him as possible.

"Samantha" he breathed, my name being all his shocked mind could form as he processed what had just happened.

"Samantha, I'm sorry" he spluttered. His eyes bubbled with tears and his lower lip trembled as he pulled it between his teeth.

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