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*Samantha's POV*

The sound of the bathroom door slamming was all that could be heard throughout the otherwise silent restaurant, all eyes falling to me after he had disappeared. I simply offered a small shrug and a shake of the head to my fellow diners before they returned their attention back to each other.

I sat in a confused daze as I glanced at the empty chair opposite me and then back to the bathroom door. Everything had been going so well, that Harry that had been sat before me was a far cry from the one I had coffee with only a few days before, he was sweet, charming and cheeky, and once again, despite my better judgement, I was having a really good time. But something wasn't right with the boy I was having dinner with, his episode in my office earlier was proof enough of that, I had sat for several minutes after he and Daniella left this afternoon trying to get the image of his twisted, bestial smirk out of my mind, but still it lingered there, like a dark cloud looming in the back of my mind.

He was sweet and kind, but also dark and confused, and the detective within me couldn't fight the need to figure him out.

Harry returned several minutes later, his head bowed and his shoulders tense as he returned to his seat. His cleared his throat softly as he thought of his explanation, his fingers fiddling with the cutlery placed on the table.

"I'm sorry" was all he said, keeping his eyes firmly locked on anything that wasn't my face. "I understand if you want to leave" he said gently. I set down my menu, which I had still been holding in my stunned state, and reach across to place my hand gently on top of his. His body jumped slightly at the contact and he sucked in a sharp breath, snapping his head up to look at me. His eyes were red and bloodshot, he looked tired and weak.

"I'm not going to leave Harry" I said gently.

"Why?" he asked in disbelief, my heart breaking at the realisation that he was more used to people walking away from him than sticking around. And that was exactly the reason why I wouldn't do the same.

"Cause I think you need someone to help you" I said, to which I received a firm, pleading nod in response.


"Thank you for dinner Harry" I said as we exited the restaurant into the cold, wet night. The rain was lighter than it had been earlier in the evening, but still it drizzled down around us in relentless sheets.

"You're welcome, I'm glad you enjoyed it" he said softly. Since his outburst earlier, his personality had been more subdued and quiet, letting me carry the conversation and offering little interjections where he felt it was necessary. He was back to the Harry I had coffee with the other day.

"I did enjoy it, I might have to come back here at some point" I said, to which he nodded his head with a small smile. We fell in to silence.

"Well, I better get going, might as well try and get home before the rain gets any heavier" I said, pulling my jacket firmly around my body and zipping it at the front.

"Are you walking?" he asked, looking down at me as I fiddled with the buttons on my coat.

"Yeah, I don't like far, if I walk quickly it will only take 20 minutes" I said, finally satisfied with the state of my coat and returning my gaze to his face where he was looking at me with confused adoration.

"I could drive you" he said, reaching in to his pocket and pulling out a set of car keys.

"You drive?" I asked.

"Yeah, only just got my car back from the garage, the oil was leaking a couple of weeks ago. So what do you say?" he asked. There was no way I was turning down such an offer. Around us, the rain began to fall in large heavy droplets.

"Yes please" I said.

"Ok, I'm parked just around the corner. Come on we'll run" he said. On his count we both dashed out into the street and torrential downpour. We were both immediately soaked through, Harry's hair was matted to his forehead in seconds and mine was plastered down my back. I kept hold of my bag in one hand and pumped with the other as I hurried to keep up with Harry's long strides. He held out his arm and pressed a button on the key, ahead of us the lights of a car flashed as it was unlocked. I made a surge for it.

Harry and I both flung our body's into the car and slammed the doors behind us, laughing as we looked at the state of each other, with droplets of water dripping from the ends of our hair and no doubt my make up running down my face.

"Well, that's quite enough exercise for one day" Harry chuckled, and I agreed, my breath heavy as I relaxed into the leather seat. He made no comment about my breathlessness. With the push of a button the car roared to life.

"Right, where is it you live then?" he asked. At the confused look on his face at the mention of Covent House, I simply told him to head for Charing Cross Station and I would guide him from there. Harry nodded and pulled out into the road. We settled into a comfortable silence as he drove and I took the opportunity to look around his car. It was an Audi, that much was clear from the badging scattered around the interior. The seats were a soft black leather and the dashboard was sleek and modern, with a touchscreen pad placed in the centre controlling his music and whatever other features the car had. I couldn't drive, I'd never taken the time to learn. Mum and Dad said driving lessons would take time away from my studies and, honestly, living in a city like London with some of the best public transport in the world, a car just isn't needed.

"Right, were am I going now?" he asked.

I guided him towards my apartment building, taking him along all the back streets that I knew and making sure he slowed down in areas where I knew there were speed cameras. He listened to my instructions intently.

"That's it just there" I said, pointing ahead of us into the rain and towards the looking figure of Covent House. Harry pulled up just outside the front door.

"Thank for the lift. And thank you for dinner again, I really did enjoy it" I said once more.

"Even though I acted like a lunatic and embarrassed you in front of all those people?" he asked, looking across the centre console at me with raised brows.

"Even despite that" I said with a small giggle. He smiled and I bit my lip as his cheeks coloured a light shade of pink.

"So, um, would it be ok if I t-texted you or something? Just so we could talk or something, you know... it's cool if you don't want me to" he stuttered, his voice becoming a quiet mumbled as he trailed off towards the end and averted his gaze.

"I think it would be ok if you texted me" I said with a smile. Harry's cheeks reddened and he bit in to his lip to supress a grin.

"Night Harry" I said with a giggle as I opened the door and stepped out once again into the rain.

"Night Sam" he said as I closed the door and hurried into the building. Harry waited until I was inside before he drove off.

That night, my dreams were tainted with curly haired boys with green eyes, interspersed with me being forced to the floor of a cold, dark alleyway. 

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