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*Samantha's POV*

"Are you sure you're alright? You've been quiet for most of the day" my mother said with concern. She was right, once again Harry unnerved me, the sudden change in his eyes as they met my own set a chill deep in my bones that I feared might never thaw. He looked at me like he hated me, like he had never hated someone so much in his life. He looked at me like he wanted to hurt me and a small part of me feared that had we not been in a room surrounded by people, he would have done just that. For the first time since meeting Harry, I felt unsafe.

"Yeah, I'm fine Mum, just tired I guess" as we continued to struggle down the street, our arms laden with more bags than we were able to carry. I grunted as we reached my door and I tried to fish through my bad one handed to find the key, letting out a little 'yes' of triumph as my fingers locked around it. We struggled up the stairs and into my flat where we let the bags fall from our arms and drop to the floor.

"Well, I have had a wonderful day my love, but I'm afraid I must be heading off. My train leaves in 20 minutes and you know I don't like to be late" she said, stuffing all she could into the large bag she had brought with her before giving up and deciding just to carry what was left home. It wasn't far on the train, about a 40 minute journey if the lines were clear.

"It was nice having you over for the day Mum" I said honestly, but I couldn't deny I was looking forward to my second day off tomorrow where I could just lie in bed and add to the pile of fast food containers.

"It was lovely to see you poppet, hopefully next time I will be able to come over for a bit longer and spend some more time with you" she said and I agreed. I gave her a long, tight hug on the doorstep which she eagerly returned before gathering her things and heading down the stairs I raced to the window to wave her off as she made her way back down the street.

I sighed at her departure, settling back into the empty silence that surrounded me. I had never felt more alone as I turned back towards the kitchen where I began putting away all the extras my Mum had brought me, shuffling back and forth to the bathroom with arms laden with face wipes and toothpaste.

My mind wandered back to Harry, to the time we spent in his apartment last night, to the kiss, to the way he looked at me in the café earlier, and finally to the jumper he had been wearing last night which was missing a button on the pocket. It was something I had noticed only fleetingly as I arrived before it was cast aside throughout the excitement of the night, but suddenly I found it drawn back to the forefront of my mind as I placed the last packet of wipes into the cupboard. Instinct pulled me back to my room where I had sat the button, still sealed tightly in its bag on my chest of drawers beside my office key so I wouldn't forget it when I returned to work on Monday.

I picked it up gingerly and examined it through the clear plastic. It was relatively large, bigger than normal buttons and the stop was smooth but scratched by the rough gravel on the floor of the alley. My heart was screaming at me, telling me that it was unimportant, that I was starting to look for things that weren't there in an effort to move this case forward, but my gut was telling me there was more to this that meets the eye. But what was there to say that this was the same button that was missing from Harry's jumper? Everyone had pieced of clothing that are missing things, buttons, broken zips, maybe they have a whole or two in them, that doesn't like Harry, or anyone else to this crime.

I cursed myself for my own stupidity at believing this could mean something and I went to toss the button in the bin, but as I let the bag go, I realised that I had instead opened my drawer and had tossed the button inside. I couldn't get rid of it just get, something was gnawing at my stomach to see this through.

My phone buzzed from my back pocket and I reached behind me to retrieve it. Harry's name was illuminated on the screen.

From Harry: Hey, I really enjoyed having you over last night :)

And I realised as I read the message over and over, that he didn't remember seeing me in the coffee shop at all today.


Sorry I know it's short but this is a bit of filler chapter but things are about to heat up really soon.

I hope you are all enjoying the story so far, please remember to leave a vote and a comment, I really love hearing your feedback so I can try and make my story even better!

- Steph     

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