See you Friday!

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What to wear today? I pulled out some ripped black shorts then a low cut V neck tee red shirt I put my converse on and walk out the door. As I walk out the door I see a black Corvette pulling into my drive way.
"Hey Jason what's up?"
"I thought we could ride to school together come on, hop in Alex!" he gave me the biggest smile and I couldn't help myself and got in the car.

"Hey what was that about yesterday with Ace? Are you guys like a thing again? I mean you would never let me touch your bike more or less drive it!"

"He's a good driver plus I um I help him out with his school work sometimes so we spend time together but we aren't dating don't worry."

"Good" he said with a smile that was so intoxicating to me I couldn't help but laugh. I looked out the window as I felt his hand on my leg and caressed it ever so gently.

We arrive at school and to my surprise Ace was standing in front of the school with some blond on his lap making out. God get a room! Why can't he do this somewhere else! "See I told you weren't together Jason." I said with my I-told-you-so look.

"Good I hate him.... He's not good for you Alex. Honestly you should stay away from him."

"Trust me I'm trying Jason."

****3rd Block****

I walked to art class thinking of Ace. How could the person who was once my world be this now. I mean we've been together since we were 5 and now..... Now I don't even know him anymore.

I walk into class and see our sub sitting their since our teacher quit randomly. Better for me I blasted the music and put my headphones on. Unconsciously I began to sing along to 'It's been awhile by Staind. Since I was sitting on my own in a corner of the class where people wouldn't notice me I thought no one could hear me. Boy was I was wrong about it.

"OMG! You sing beautifully!" I saw the blond that Ace was this morning standing infront of me. "Please continue that was amazing." a short red head with green eyes said next to her. "Sorry so rude I'm Crystal Jackson and this is Ruby Waters." they said with the biggest smiles I've seen ever. "I'm Alexandra Queen, but you can call me Alex. How long have you been listening to me sing and how many people heard me?" I ask her as politely as possible.

"For about 3 minutes and the entire class heard you why do you think they're staring at you!" she whisper-yelled it to me with excitement.

Suddenly the door to our class room flew open and Ace walked in. He handed a paper to the sub and she got up and said "students welcome your new classmate Ace King. You may sit anywhere you like son."

I ignored him and continued talking to the girls " I usually don't sing infront of people this feels weird." Ruby smiled as a tall muscular blond guy came and sat next to me. His blue eyes were soft and warm "Hi I'm Chase Anderson." he held his hand to me and I gave him mine "Alexandra Queen, nice to meet you." I felt him slip a paper to me while giving me a smile.

"Call me later maybe we can chill or go to a party Friday." he said as he walked back to his seat with his friends.

"Chase just gave you his number he's like captain of the football team." Ruby said so excited about it.

"We need to go shopping for Friday you need to look HOT HOT HOT FOR CHASE!" she yelled making Chase turn and look at me with a smile, that I returned.

Unfortunately Chase wasn't the only one who turned I could feel Ace's cold gaze upon me. It was very unsettling but I dicided to ignore him.

"Give us your number we'll text you and go shopping later ok!" I did as I was told and gave them my number they took it and left as the bell rang.

Ace stood infront of me shortly after "what the hell was that about!"

"Please Ace just let me go that was nothing their just being friendly."

"You better not be fucki-" he got cutt off by chase who pulled him off from me.

"She said to leave her alone dipshit!" he grabbed my hand and tried to take me with him. But Ace kicked his stomach hard making him release me and fall hard.

"Touch her again and I 'll kill you pretty boy! Understand me!!" he looked just about ready to kill him when he grabbed my arm and pulled me with him "we're leaving now! Get your things Alex."

"No Ace I'm not going with you!" he had a shocked look in his face as I helped Chase up and helped him walk out of the class.

"I'm so sorry Chase. I can't believe he did this to you! Are you ok?"

"I've had worse don't worry about it." he said with a great smile at me.

He leaned in and gave me a kiss on the corner of my lip. I couldn't help but blush completely red.

"See you on friday beautiful. Call me later ok?" he said smiling as he walked away from me.

"See you friday." I said with a smile as I made my way to my locker.

Maybe this is for the best maybe Chase can help me finally get over Ace.

As I got to my locker I saw a rose with a note taped to the door. I carefully removed it from the door and opened the note.

Don't forget your forever mine!
Pretty boy can't save you no one can!
Behave yourself baby I'm always watching you!

I threw the rose to the ground and stomped it until it was completely destroyed.

Fuck this I'm done! He won't hurt me anymore!


Hey guys!
My reconstruction of the story continues!

Tell me your thoughts on the changes if you've read the story before!
If you haven't feel free to comment your thoughts I'm all ears!!

(edited 9/11/16 12:03 a.m)

New word count 1068

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