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"Luna I love you...."

"You see my love Ace and myself made a deal.... If he would get you back to me at any cost he would have his freedom for the whole fuck up 2 years ago. Since he wanted revenge on you he accepted without hesitation.... All this love shit was a perfect way to get you here.... it works marvelously thank you Ace your free to go."

I looked up at Ace and saw him staring at his feet. He wouldn't dare look at me and with this I knew it was all true.

He sold me to Avery for revenge... For something I didn't do.

He wants to see me broken hurt but I wont give him the satisfaction. I'm strong and I don't need him!

"We'll as amusing as all this is I'm dead tired Avery I can assume my room is ready for me?"

With a smirk Avery looked to me and said "Of course my Princess... I also took the liberty to add a new wing to your bedroom you now have a fully stocked guy in there. Take it as a welcome gift."

"Perfect I'll resume my training tomorrow 5 a.m til 7 a.m have Mary prepare my usual I'll be at the table at 8 sharp for now I must rest goodbye Avery."

"Goodbye Ace" he looked up and met my eyes as I walked out of the room.

Thats was the last time I would see Ace from here on I'm done no more love.... No more family.... No more Ace


***1 month later***

It's been a month since I found out about Ace's betrayal. I still think about him even if it only hurts me to do so. I haven't spoken to my mother since then not that she would notice that I'm gone. I started speaking to Jason since Avery agreed to letting me have my phone back. He insists on wanting to see me but I refuse every time it's too dangerous here.

I'm too dangerous.

Every since that day I train none stop. I became ruthless and feared even more than before.

"Ready Princess?" Avery came in pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yes let's go"

Avery had some deals tonight and he need me to make sure everything goes right well correction he needs his Princess to make sure things go his way.

We arrived at a club dowton. The lights were flashing in different colors and the music could be heard from miles away. We walked in and went to one of the private areas. I scanned the place to make sure it was safe for Avery I gave him the all clear signal and he walked in and sat down. Soon enough I saw a man walk in and smirk at me.

"So this is the famous Princess I assumed she'd be bigger, older, way.... stronger."

Avery gave me a nod meaning "show him who you are."

I walked close to him never looking away from him as soon as I was close enough I grabbed his arm and dropped him to the floor bending his arm back while putting my knee on his back.

"Don't test her John. Shes not in the best of moods today." Avery said while laughing maniacly.

"Come Princess let go of him. We wouldn't want Mr. Davis hurt would we now."

I could hear him groaning in pain as I pulled his arm further and further.

Soon I let go and took my place by Avery again.

After what seemed like hours the deal was done with and we went to the safehouse.

Just another day in hell.

Another day in pain and agony.

Another day remembering what Ace did to me.


(edited 9/11/16 5:47 p.m)

New word count 636

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