The Deal

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"Now Princess I need you to do a job with Ryder you'll have to leave town for about a week-"
I immediately cut him off "What about Ace where do you have him I want to see him now!"

"Here take this its for the cameras in his room. You'll be able to make sure he's ok and if you type something here he'll see it on his TV. He'll be safe while you're back..... If you listen to my every demand!"

"Fine, when are we leaving?"

"Now" says Ryder walking in the room tossing me a black jacket. I put it on and put my hood on. Then I put the small tablet that Avery gave me on my pocket.

As me and Ryder got into the F150. I pulled out the tablet and turned on the camera. I could see him trying to escape the room so I pulled out the keyboard and started to trype.

Me: Ace it's me Alex. Please stop trying to escape I'll be back for you I promise. I'm just going to be out of town for a few days so I can free you. I love you Ace.

I saw him read my message on the screen and he got a keyboard that was infront of him and started to type something.

Ace: My Luna I love you. Please don't fall for it they'll kill me the first chance they get. If I must go so you can be in peace then so be it. I would give my evrything for you to have it all.

Me: Give me time I promise I'll be back for you only a few days. Please don't do anything stupid I want to come and take you home with me!

"We're here get off that thing we have things to do mami." Ryder told me and I sent one last message to my wolf.

Me: I have to go I'll message you later. I'm gana get to work the faster we finish the faster I can be with you. I love you Ace!
Remember Always your and Always Mine!

I smile then put the tablet away.

As we got the truck he handed me a gun "You know what to do go she's some hacker that's working for the cops we need her gone this is her" he said handing me a picture of a young blonde girl she looked so innocent.

"Fine I'll do it."

***Ace's POV***

I look around and realize the camera was off. "Let me out Avery the camera is off!" I yelled and the door opened and Avery smiled at me. "Good job Ace!"

"No problem now what do you need me to do?"

"Come with me I have something for you."

I smiled and walked behind him as soon as I did I saw a girl tall white red hair in nothing but black lingerie and black high heels.

"Enjoy Ace's she's all yours all night." Avery said smiling while closing the door to the room.

"So what do you wana do daddy I'm up for anything just say the word." she got close to me and pulled my shirt off and began to touch my abs but it all when to shit when she decided to try to touch my wolf and I flinched back immediately. I grabbed my shirt and took off to the room I was in.

Shit!! What the fuck just happened to me! I can't love her she threw me under the bus she left me to rotte in jail without even letting me talk. She didn't even bother to try and talk to me. Even so my mind is telling me I still lo-

My thoughts were interrupted by Avery who walked in.

"What are you doing here? I thought you'd be enjoying Carries company."

"I'm not up for it right now, what do you want me to do now since you have her back with you."

Avery looks at me with a look I quite can't describe "Nothing your free to go as soon as she's back. Remember the deal was you get her back to me at any cost and I let you go free."

*****One week later*****

I hear the door to my room open and I look at the clock next to me 5:30 a.m.

"You better have a dam good reason for waking me up this early!" I yell not caring who's at my door.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed didn't you?" I ran off the bed as soon as heard her angelic voice.

"You have to go don't let them see you. Get out of this house now Alex!" I snap at her not knowing what came over me.

"No no no my boy. Remember our deal. You're free to go now but she stays with me." I hear Avery say with a maniacal smirk on his face.

"What is he talking about Ace? What deal?" she said with a disappointed and hurt look in her eyes.

"Oh yes do explain what's going on won't you Ace?"

I looked at my Luna and realized my mistake.... I can't do this..... I love her!

Even if she did throw me under the bus even if I did go to juvie. I love her.
I can't let her stay here. What do I say what do I do?

"Ace what the fuck is he talking about!! What in fucks sake did you do?!?!"

I have no way out only the truth.

"I love you.... but I fucked up please let me explain before you say anything...."

I heard a maniacal chuckle come from Avery before I could explain he began to talk.

"My dear Princess you see Ace and myself made a little deal...."

"Shut up Avery!! Don't say anything you'll twist this all to your convenience.... It's not how you think Luna let me explain."
Will Alex let Ace explain or will she listen to Avery?

(Edited 9/11/16 5:08 p.m)

New word count 1015

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