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Jaydas pov
I went home did my homework got in the shower and put on s tank top and some booty shorts and socks that went all the way tl my knees I was sitting down on my couch watching tv till the door rang and this better be important cuz I just sat down *answers the door*

When i opened the door i saw princeton standing thete with an evil smirk on his face i instantly got scared and said "c-can I help u" stuttered and he chuckled at my stuttering and said"yeah u can help me by letting me in" he said with an attitude and so I let him in and he flopped on my couch then I said" um what are u doing here" he looked at me and said" did u just question me!!! He shouted I flinched and said"s-sorry" and he calmed down and said"better be now I want u to do what ever I say or we'll have problems if u don't do u understand? When he said that I got even more scared and said"y-y-yes sir" then he took me into my room and started taking off my clothes and well u know what happened and after that he left and I could barley walk this nigga took my virginity and just walked out like I was shit man what did I do to deserve this so I took another shower and put on my fuzzy PJ's and I creid myself to sleep and all I could think was.........why me 😢

What will jayda do?

Will Princeton and his friends stop bullying her?
Will they both open up about there feeling to each other?

Read the next chapter to find out.

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