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Princetons Pov
Ok so I'm on my way to Jacobs house I'm gonna kidnap him first then torture him and kill him then I'll have yn all to my self 😈😈.....

~Yns~ pov

Ok so I was at home and I decided to text Jacob but he didn't pick up the phone so I just went to his house....

*yn goes to Jacobs house sand knocks in the dorr but he didn't answer then she goes home*

~Back with princeton~
princeton: *goes to Jacobs house**knocked on the door*

~just as he opened the door princeton put a body bag over him and him a nd there other guys carry him to the car....

They take him to an old whair house and tie him to a chair and then they started torturing him....

Yns pov
Ok I'm getting worried Jacob isn't anwerimg his phone and he ain't at home and I've called him 20 times already an-*gaps*PRINCETON

*yn runs downstairs to tell every one*

Yn:guys I think pricneton kidnaped Jacob!!!

Ray:*stand up* what makes u think that!!!

Yn: yesterday I got an unknown text message saying stuff about Jacob and the only person who could have sent that is Princeton and jacob isn't answering his phone and I already went to his house and he didn't answer the door and then I called him 20 times he still didn't pick, he must be getting tortured and crying-

Ray:ok yn we're gonna find him calm down ok?!?


Jamaica:Yn we're gonna find him don't worry *hugging u*


Ray: aye prodigy roc and I can go find somenore guys to find jaocb and we're gonna need A LOT of guns cuz I know princeton he has a lot of guys that helps him with suff

Nakia:what about us

Prod: y'all can't come y'all girls

Jamaica:bit who the one kicked diggy when he was gonna shoot the bomb

Jamaica:ok den

*they all get the stuff together and went searching for Jacob*





I know it's boring

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