Part 2

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Yn's POV

Yn and Ray come back but they both stop as soon as they see princeton.

Ray:*looks at Yn then prince**mumbles* well all hell bout to break loose

Prodigy:*sees* aw shit

Prince:*softly says* yn can we plz talk

Just then i feel anger rush over me as he says that. My face starts to turn red as i yell "Talk about what!?!?! Huh!?!?" "U bully me then rape me and then u ask me out then i say yes like a dumbass. U promise me something then u break that promise by cheating on me and now that u see me doing better and actually being happy u wanna get back into again?!?!?! Like are u serious!?!?! U put me through hell so fuck u and fuck yo sorry ass apologies" by the time i was done i was done i was in tears and so was he. Everyone was silent and just staring. I just ran out of class with ray running after me.

End of POV.

Princeton's POV.

What Yn said was right. I really did put her through hell and i regret everything i did to her. She's beautiful, smart, and an amazing person and she deserves so much better. Ima try to go talk to her again. I walk Ray and yn which and they both look up at me. Ray*stands up and looks at him with a stern look* listen man me n u have been like brothers since kindergarden and u were never like this. But u treating a girl like this is unlike u and idek why i helped with it but i did my part to try and make things right with her and now it's your turn. *walks away leaving him and yn alone*

I look at her and i can see thr hurt in her eyes as she stares back. I sit next to her still not taking my eyes of hers. I take a deep breath and say "look yn i don't even know where to began but all i can say is that i know i hurt u a lot and im so so so so sorry and u can stay mad at me as long as u want to but all im asking is ur forgiveness..........please?" Yn looks at him for a while "i need time to think about that" she says while sighing.
He smiles a little and says "sure take all the time u need".

*The next day*

Prince's POV
Hey guys it's me again i know y'all probably thinking "no stfu u sorry sack of shit i don't fucking like u"
And yall have every right to think that but just in case yn doesn't forgive me i wrote her a song that im gonna sing in the cafeteria on stage so i hope u guys like it too.

End of POV.

Yn's POV

I here chris brow blast through my ears as my alarm goes off. I groan and slide out of bed not wanting to go to school. I take a shower then i get out and put on a black crop top with camouflage skinny jeans and my all black jordans. I put my hair in a perfect bun then i put on my victorias secret perfume. I grab my iPhone 7, my lip gloss and my emoji back pack and head downstairs. When i went down stairs Ray and everyone else was down there so looked them and said "how tf yall get in my house" ray laughed and says "shouldn't have left ur key under the mat and damn it take u that long to get dressed?" I laughed while rolling my eyes "yes. Yes it does".

Still yns POV
So me ray prod and everyone else are at lunch just playing and talkin then someone says my name on the mic so.i turn around it's.....Princeton?. Everyones attention is now on me and him. "Yn this is a special song for a special someone like u and i hope u enjoy it.
I know i messed up so
So many times in my paaaast
But i got my life together now im
Free at lassst. And i knooow u don't
Believe meee but i want u to knoow that im so sorry, sorry yn so please let's gooo. But i must tell u im very proud of u. One day at a time and i promise i won't hurt u. I don't know what to do with a girl with a broken heart but im so sorry sorry baby so please please forgive mee. By the time he was finished everyone was saying "aww" and "Ooo". He said into the mic one last time "so yn will u plz plz forgive me plz?" I look at him and nodded while smiling. He jumped off the stage amd gave me a hug. But just then somone busted through the doors.....






A/N: Hey guys sorry i haven't been updating but heres Part 2 of what happened. 💗💗💗💗💗💗

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