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jaydas pov it's Saturday BTw:
I was still thinking about what happens yesterday and idk If I should be with prince cuz he hurt me a lot of times but everybody changes so yeah image call him and tell him I wanna be is girl friend but if he hurts me one more time image not gonna forgive him for it *calls prince*

++phone convo++


J: hey I made dicision

P: ok will or not

J: yes I'll be ur girlfriend

P: yay!  Ok I'll be there in ten ok?

J: ok

Both: *hangs up*

I went to my closet got some pjs and  got in the shower and put them on then I went downstairs and sat on my couch watching tv waiting till Princeton got gets here a couple minutes later the door Bel rang and I opened it and there was Princeton standing there and he flashed and adorable smile I blushed and let him in we watched tv until I felt him start to rub my inner thigh and I ask what was he doing he blushed and said nothing so we watched tv untill it got late and he had to go home when he went home I went to bed and I had I scary dream well it was scary to me lol bit here's what happened....

*her dream*

P: *punching you* shut the fuck up bitch didn't I say stay the fuck away from them!!!

J: prince stop it ur hurting me!!!

P: shutup!!!

J: I thought u changed u said crying and I thought u loved me.

P: changed my ass I don't love yo stupid ugly ass tf I look like u ain't shit to me bitch

*end of dream*

I woke up sweating and crying and breathing hard.....  I can't believe I just had that kinda dream noe I'm worried he's gonna screw up I'll just think it over tommrow *goes back to sleep*

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