All fun and games until......

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Yn pov
So we all decided that we're gonna go to my house and do the project it's me nakia vania Jamaica cece prince roc ray and prod....

++at ur house++

Ray:I don't wanna do this stupid ass project all I wanna do is sit and eat tacos or acos!

Yn: ray shut yo taco eatin ass up and do this project or u won't get an edgecation!

Prod: wellll I'm trying to hurry up and do this so I can eat some BBQ chicken wit some pizza cuz I nigga hungry!

Us: Nigga yo fat ass always hungry!

Prod: so Ima man I needs ta eat

Us: *smh* 😂

Prod: oh yea with a sprite on the side

Prince: omg nigga u got problems lmao

Prod: whatever

*everyone finishes the project*

Ray: y'all wanna play truth or dare?

Us: sure!

Yn: ok I go first, prince truth or dare?

Prince: dare 😊

Yn: *evil grin 😈* ok I dare u toooooo, put a small towel on and run around door to door and and say I love u to the ppl who answers the and run off *smirks*


YN: well the I guess youll have to kiss ray 😊

Ray:HELL NO!!!

us: *laughing super hard*

Prince: fine I'll do it but I'll getcho ass back for this too yn 😑😡 *goes and does the dare*

Yn: well while he's doing that who want to go next?

Roc: oh I do, ray truth or dare?

Ray: truth u ain't slick.

Roc: lol ok is it true u like yn *smirks*

Yn: 0.o

Ray: *thinks:yes* no i like her as a sister haha *nervous*

Cece: akward, but anyways jamaica truth or dar- gco by prince walking with the house with a towel on looking mad asf

Us: *looks at eachother and busts out laughing hard*😂😂😂😭😭😭

Prince:haha laugh it ul bitches*sarcastic*

Yn: aww im sorry *still laughing*

Prince: -_- whatever *goes up stairs and puts his clothes on and comes back down stairs*

Vania: yall wanna watch a movie?

Yn:ok a got karate kid, bad grandpa, booty call, and earth, or we can watch netfix


YN:*chuckles* alright netflix it is.

Cece: hey y'all let's watch Jessie


Boys: no lets watch friday!

Yn: ok we can watch three episodes of Jessie and them y'all boys can watch Friday, fair enough?

Them: yeah

Yn: ok I'll go get the snack-gco by someone busting the house.......

To be continued........

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