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jayda pov
I woke up sore so I got I'm the shower and got out and put on a green shirt that said "I will never sink" and I black skirt and green chucks I got my book bag and went to school....

Still jaydas pov
I went to my locker and got my thing real fast but,  I was to late Princeton came up behind me and grabbed my waist and he said "said did u enjoy last night" he said with am evil smirk on his face but I was so scared I I could say anything so he tighten his grip around my waist and said "I said did u enjoy latnight!!!I jumped and said "y yes"I stuttered and then he pushed me against the locker and said"alright then" just then his crew called him over to where they we're standing so he went. And I cried and walked away.

Meanwhile with princetons crew.....

Princetons pov
I walked to my Crew and we stared talking....

Ray: Princeton did u handle the stupid bitch jayda?

Prince: hell yeah

Roc: hey prince man no efense but didn't u go a lil too fair with the raping?

Prince: hell no! That lil hoe diserved it!

Roc: *sighs* okaaaay he said with a warnt in his voice.

**the bell rings**

Princeton pov thoughts: tbh I think jayda is beautiful and I hate hurting her but it's my Rep and I think I'm in love with her buy since she doesn't feel the same way then I'll continue to bully her but I don't want to so I'll apologize to her and keep it on the DL and talk to my crew about her them tell em and this is gonna start after school I'll for to her house.

**after school**

Jaydas pov.
I was walking home and I bump into this girl and said sorry

Jayda: I'm sorry

???: it's okay

Jayda: I'm jayda BTW *puts hand out*

???: I'm ciara but u can call Me cece *shakes hand*

Jayda: nice to meet *smiles*

Cece: I haven't seen u around school *smiles*

Jayda: oh cuz I'm quiet that's prolly why.

Cece: oh wellllll do u have  any friends?

Jayda: no *looks down*

Cece: well u can be my friend and tomorrow I'll introduce u to my other friends ok?

Jayda: *smiles* ok here's my number*hands her ur number*

Cece: thanks *takes it* see u tomorrow bye.

Jayda: bye

*they walk there separate ways*

So I go home and shower and put on my PJ's and did my homework and as I was doing my home work I heard a ring at the door bell...  Plz don't let this be princeton..  So I walked down stairs and open the doork and I see princeton smiling his sexy smile and his lips are to die f- wait what am I saying I hate him!

Princeton: listen jayda I needa talk to you can I come in plz?

Jayda: ok *lets him in*

So u guys sit on the couche and he says

P: i just wanna say I'm really sorry about bullying u for all these years and I wanna do better and the reason I'm saying this cuz I'm in love with u and I was wonderig if u could be my girl plz and I'll give u time to think I just really wanna call u mine *says proudly*


What do u thing jayda will say?

Ok so ima write the next chapter tomorrow cuz I don't feel good rite now peace ✌✌👋👋

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