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Yn pov
As I was talking that Desiree bitch came in uhhhhhhh 😢😡😤

Desiree: Princeton baby come on

Princeton think: shit I forgot about her: um

Me: why tf would u bring that bitch over here!!!

Desiree: who tf u call in a bitch

Me: I'm call in you bitch who the fuck said u can come in here- u know what *to prince* get hoe get the fuck out

Prince: but-gco

Me: GO!!!

Princeton storms out with desiree

Me: *sarts to cry into ur pillow*

Cece: yn I'll be back me and ray needa talk

Ray and cece goes to the kitchen....

Cece: I think we needa find yn I nice guy cuz prince needs some time to get his shit to gether

Ray: ikr but I know this guy named Jacob Latimore

Cece: wellll do u have his number?

Ray: yeah

Just then prodigy and them walk in the kitchen

Vania: hey guys what's wrong with yn

Ray: Prince cheated on her with desiree

Chres: for real das messed up but u know what I haven't heard from that nigga ej

Ray: I know me either

Prod: you think he got something to do with kidnapping and shit

Chresanto(roc):yeah I think he do too

Ray:but anyways I got a guy for yn and I think she gon like him

Prod:who is it?

Ray: Jacob Latimore

Chres: oh then yeah she gon like him

Ray: ima set them up on a date even tho what I'm doing some gay ass shit and a GIRL should be doing it *looks at cece*

Cece: aye I don't even know him so nigga u do it

Ray:-_- fine

Ray calls Jacob and sets yn on a date with him

Cece: *goes upstairs to yn*yn guess what?

Yn:*faced in the pillow and mumbles* what

Cece:*sits on ur bed* you have I date

Yn: I didn't sign up for a date

Cece: but it's with Jacob latimore

Yn: *sits up* ok so?

Cece: he's really cute

Yn: fine I'll go on a date with him

Cece: yay!!! Ok let's go get u dressed

She put on a black tight dress that hugs her curves just right with black heels and silver jewelry...

Ray: *walks in* aye yn Jacobs gonna be here in 20 minutes ok?

Yn: ok

++20 minutes later++

Jacob: *knocks on the door*

Jamaica: *opens the door* oh hi u must Jacob I'm jamaica

Jacob: lol hi uh ray told me to come and take a girl named yn on a date

Jamaica: oh yeah she's ready *yells* YN!!!

yn comes down stairs and meet jacob

Jacobs thought: damn yn look so beautiful she has curves in all the right spots and she seams nice I wanna make it official with....

Yn: it's nice to meat u *smiles*

Jacob: *smiling hard* it's nice to meat u too, u ready?

Yn:*blushes* yeah

They leave and go to a fancy restaurant and they talk and laugh and have great and start to have feelings for eachother

Jacob: *looks in your eyes* yn I know we just met but I was wonder in if you would like to be my girlfriend....








I know it sucks...

To be continued.......

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