Chapter one

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Jaydas pov
Sex with me so amazing, all this all work no vacation stay up off my instagram pure temtation:
I hit the snooze button and slide outta bed sore and winced in pain from my stupid ass bully I got in the shower and put on a green crop top with black ripped skinny jeans and some green and black Jordan's with a green and black snap back that said dope in green letter and I straightened my hair get my book back and phone went down stairs grabbed an apple and headed out the door.....

++at school++
Still jaydas pov
I went to my locker and started to get my thing till my locker slammed shut and I turn around saw Princeton and his dumb ass squad... Man here we go again 😑😢

Princeton: wassup little bitch!

Me: h-hi I stuttered

Princeton: u got any smart ass comments for me today!?!

Me: *stays silent*

I felt painful sting on my left cheek and my eyes started get watery.

Princeton: bitch when I ask u something u answer it or I will beat the shit out u do u here me!?!

Me:*tears streaming down my face* y-yes I said with a crack in my vioce.

Ray: aww the whittle bitch cwying.

The boys:*laughing*

Me:*tries to walkaway*

Princeton: *yannks u back by yout hair* tf u think u goin u slut he says while puching u in the face.

Me: Please prince stoo ur hurting me!!!

+++the bellrings+++

Princeton: see u later hoe *walks away with his crew*

+++skiping to class+++

Jayda pov
I was in class and i see prince and his bitch ass crew so i sit far away from them

Princetons pov
I was in class with my crew talking till i see the slut of the school jayda with her beutiful skin and her nice body and her lips r u to die f- wait wth am i saying i hate!
And its gonna stay that way.

Ray: ayo prince man why u so quite

Prince:*lies* just think of what to do to that hoe jayda

Ej: what did u have in mind?

Prince: idk yet but ill figuer out something.

Then it was time to go home and jayda was at her locker and she had a black i from me i feel kinda bad but not tk the point where im gonna stop bullying her


Will prince ever stop hurting jayda?

Will everything turn out perfect?
read the next chapter to find out

It's my first story so tell me what u think 😊

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