Double Date- Austria x Reader

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You spun in a circle, playing with the long, graceful (f/c) dress. It was adorned in black lace on the fitted bodice, and flared out to a long circle skirt. Your hair was prettier than it ever had been, and your makeup was done perfectly. This was going to be a great night!

Two months earlier

"Zis guy you are dating sounds great!" Your closest, and best, friend Elizabeta enthused, sipping her coffee.

"Haha, Yeah, I guess he is pretty wonderful." You said, trailing off. You had gotten into the relationship of your dreams with a guy you loved, named Roderich. You couldn't be happier.

"Oh! Jou know what we should do?" She said, putting her cup down. "We should do one of those double-dates!"

"Yeah! That sounds great! I'm sure Roderich would love it." You said, smiling at the idea.

"Gilbert would too. Oh, this will be so much fun!"


"Roderich? Are you ready?" You said, putting in your diamond earrings and taking one last look in the mirror.

"Ja, one minute." He fiddled and grumbled with his tie in the other mirror.

"Here, let me." You gently moved his hands away from the tie, and bit your lip. After tying- what you thought- was a perfect tie, you smiled.

"Jou are beautiful when you concentrate like zhat." He said, taking one of your hands and kissing it. He spun you, like in a dance, and brought you into his embrace. You pecked his nose and he smiled.

"Tell me how exactly I managed to get my dream guy?" You asked, smiling at the sweet activities.

"I don't know; how did I get ze perfect woman?" He said, slowly rocking you back and forth to invisible music.

"I love you, Roderich."

"I love you, (F/n)."

He took your hand, and like a gentleman, led you out to the car, where he opened the door and lifted your skirt for you.

"Vhat's the address?" He asked, turning on the car. After you told him, he drove out of your driveway and made his way to the fancy restaurant.


"What's your party's name?" The waitress asked, pushing up her glasses and tapping her pen.

"Elizabeta" you said, ready to go to the table.

"There is no 'Elizabeta' on this list." She said, raising an eyebrow.

"Try Gilbert." You said. She made a snooty face and looked down to the paper in front of her.

"Oh, I apologize, right this way." You followed the waitress to a table of four, where Elizabeta and a white-haired man who you assumed was Gilbert sat.

"(F/n)! Jou made it!" She said, getting up. She was wearing a strapless green ball gown with a white ribbon at the waist.

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