Blue is the Warmest Color- Monaco x Female Reader

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I found a headcanon that Monaco was pansexual, and I'm pansexual, and well...

...I got an idea.

ALSO This is my 20th one shot! I had no idea people would actually read these so thank you! I'll shut up now.


Bzzzzzz, Bzzzzz, Bzzzzz, Buzzzzz, Bzzzzz...

You grabbed your phone to see what was making it vibrate so much. There wasn't anything important going on, and no one ever texted you this much. You swear to god, if Prussia added you to another group chat...

Oh, Monaco was calling you.


"Hey (c/n), what's up?" She sounded much happier than usual.

"Nothing much, how about you?"

Monaco was one of your very good friends. You had been allies for years now, and generally just enjoyed each other's company.

"Well, nothing really also. Oh yeah, are you free tomorrow?"

You thought for a moment and then answered. "Yup, free as a bird! Why?"

"Well, France gave me copy of his newest independent movie, and I was wondering if you wanted to watch it with me?"

"Sure, sounds great!" You smiled widely. Could this be a date with the country you'd had a secret crush on for years? Or just some quality "girl time"?

"Alright, I'll be there around five. See you then!"

Monaco hung up, as you released excited noises. Not quite squeals, but close. You still weren't sure whether it was date or not, but you honestly didn't care. It was alone time with the girl of your dreams.


After throwing on a button-down with the sleeves rolled up, your favorite tie, and a pair of jean shorts, you got food ready. Being allies with both France and Monaco, you weren't new to cooking.

You set out a cheese board and slices of homemade bread, with a platter of meringues and some fruit tartines.

And now, you wait.

You got increasingly anxious as you shifted all over the couch. Am I dressed okay? Did I make too much food? Am I taking this too seriously?

You were about send a text, until you heard a knock on the door.

After sprinting to the door, you unlocked it and blew a (h/c) strand out of your hair.

"Ah! Monaco! Hi!" You smiled and waved her in. She had her hair in two braids instead of her classic one, tied off by two pink ribbons. Monaco wore a white shirt with a pink 3/4 sleeves jacket, black jeans and stylish pink oxfords. She looked as gorgeous as ever.

"Hello (c/n)! Nice to see you!" She kissed your cheeks like she always did, and took off her shoes politely.

You led her to the living room, where she collapsed on your couch and handing you a DVD case.

Blue is the Warmest Color.

After a little small talk and settling in, the film began running. Monaco rested her head on your shoulder as you grinned widely, smoothing her braids- AKA totally flirting.

The plot of the movie moved you, and everything about it was amazing. The lead, the storyline, everything. Adèle! You're gay af! GO MEET THE BLUE HAIRED GIRL!

A little while later, both you and Monaco had watery eyes. She had migrated into your arms, and would let out an occasion sniff. EMMA! DON'T DO IT!YOU HAVE SOMETHING SPECIAL! Yeah, sure, it's better this way- but still!

As Emma and Adèle shared one last tender kiss, you looked down at Monaco. Her polite gaze at the television travelled up to you, her eyes showing obvious desire.

Your heart skipped a beat when you thought of what to do next. Should you kiss? Would she like that? You panicked, as always, and ended up accidentally throwing your soulmate off the couch.

"Ouch!" Monaco sat and rubbed her head. You felt overwhelmed with guilt, rushing to the floor to help her.

"Where does it hurt?!" You kneeled over her, blushing from embarrassment. You showed obvious worry, and she smiled gently.

"No where now." She kissed the tip of your nose gently, and then looked to the side instantly. Monaco stood up from under you suddenly, nearly tripping as she turned and walked away from you.

She stopped walking a just a couple feet away, her back towards you. She was rubbing her temples and muttering regrets.

You grinned and got up. Quietly and gently, you wrapped your arms around her and rested your head on hers.

Monaco's muscles tensed suddenly, and then released. She held your arms to her waist and sighed.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what got into me-"

You chuckled and cut her off.

"It's fine. Honestly, it wasn't that bad. Not bad at all." Her jaw dropped slightly, as she whipped around.

"You... Do you like girls too?"

You bit your lips and did half-assed jazz hands.


Monaco smiled widely and tackled you in a hug, sitting on you with her small stature. She then leaned forward, and kissed you gently. Your fingers traced her back, as her gentle lips left traces of soft pink lipstick on yours.

She pulled away, and you looked up at her.

"I really like you, (c/n). More than an ally." She said, placing a hand on your cheek. You took her other hand in yours, kissing it.

"I do too, Monaco."

You flipped the blonde girl onto her back gently, so you could crawl on top of her. You kissed her, deeper and more passionate than the last.

Monaco completely complied with the kiss, letting only one sentence out of her busy lips.

"Don't tell France."


Aha! I have returned, with a sucky update. School sucks, you know? Oh hell, I'm pretty sure 99.9% of you know.

Parts may be slightly less common now. I'll try my best, but I'm in a lot of advanced classes, and that means more homework.

Up Next: Hitman Jones X Dacnomaniac!Reader, Final Part

After That: Denmark X Reader Smut, Requested.

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