Stars- Spain x Happy!Hyper!Reader [REQUEST]

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     I have to do this!

     I don't know if I can handle this.

    Just one... Last... Mark...

     You capped your pen and chuckled to yourself. You had finished your beautiful drawing. However, there was only one problem.

     The drawing was on your very important notes from the world meeting.

     The meetings you had to go to were dreadfully boring. They all were exactly the same: America had an idea and forced everyone to go along, Britain disagreed instantly, France fought with Britain, Canada was ignored, the Nordics had their own conversation, Russia intimidated the Baltic states, and eventually, Germany would take charge. You, and your best friend, Romano, seemed to be the only dynamic ones. Even he got a little boring, though. Not to mention crotchety, testy, and petulant.

     "Oi, (c/n). I told you to stop doodling all over your notes!" You heard the Italian whisper. "I'm not going to let you use mine again." You looked over at him and stuck your tongue out playfully, one eye shut.

     "I can still read it..." You grumbled back. "You are no fun, Roma."

     "He really isn't, is he?" A familiar Spanish voice chuckled. Your smile grew as you turned around, to see Spain smiling and winking at you. "I very much like your drawings, chica."

     "Really? Thanks!" You cheered out, making a couple countries around you turn their heads. You had a tendency to be louder than you meant. "Sorry..." You whispered,  giggling.


     "Hey, (c/n), come here for a second." You heard your grouchy friend say. You were walking with one earbud in, listening to your favorite song on loop.

     "Huh? Oh, Roma. What's up?" You smiled and paused your music.

     "Tell me: Do you... Do you like the jerk bastard? Spain?"

     "Hehe... What makes you think that?" You blushed and twirled your hair.

      "Ugh. You're such a ditz!" Romano said, chuckling and flicking your forehead. "It's obvious. It might even be more than 'like', eh? Maybe amore~?"

     "I don't know... Maybe? He's just such a perfect guy. He's so happy and positive, all the time! It's something the world could use more of, you cantankerous pain." You joked, thinking of the Spaniard's warm smile and emerald eyes.

     "I think the world has enough of that, thanks to the two of you."

      You laughed. "I guess you're welcome. Now I must be off!" You saluted the Italian jokingly and skipped away. He kvetched something along the lines of 'yeah, yeah...'

     "Ey! (C/n)! Wait up!" You heard shortly after, as footsteps ran up to you. "That looks divertido!" (1)

      Spain hastily caught up with you, and began to skip next to you.

      "Holá!" You said, in a very bad Spanish  accent. Your iconic, gleaming smile made up for it, though. His eyes lit up at the use of his language.

     "Wow! Your Español is muy bien (2)" He enthusiastically lied.

     "Thanks!" You said, giggling. This is it. Should I ask him out? I'm gonna ask him out! I'm gonna do it!! You stopped skipping, and he did the same. "By the way, are you doing anything tomorrow?"

     "No, I do not think so!" He replied, after a bit of thinking.

    "I had plans to have a picnic with Ukraine, but she cancelled on me. Want to
go?" You said, crossing your fingers behind your back and biting your lip.

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