Steampunk- Norway x Band Member!Reader [REQUEST]

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For JennyDauti

You didn't call it a double life, but it could be considered one.

You would get up, dress normally for school, be an average student, and go home with your earbuds in. Nothing stuck out about you. You were just...


All until you got home, that is.

The same routine every day- throw your bag down, grab some food, and go to band practice in your garage.

In a corset and Victorian showgirl skirt.

Yup, you're  just a teenager in a band. A steampunk one to be specific. Ever since learning violin as a child, you've  loved music, and quickly got infatuated with steampunk culture in high school. The combination of these things created one of the most unique bands on the block.

The band was just you and two other classmates; Arthur, the bassist, Natalia, the keyboard player, and you, the fiddler. You all shared the same love for gears and Victorian England, leading to unexpected harmony between your instruments and personality.

There was one thing wrong in your universe, however.

The Sticks.

That wasn't actually their name, but your band called them that. The name started when Arthur implied they had a stick up their- well, you know where I'm going with this.

They were the clean-cut classical musicians on the block, and you were sure they hated your music. You had no proof, but steampunk and Mozart usually don't mix, and they were known for being a little stuck-up. The Sticks consisted of Roderich, the pianist, Ludwig, the cellist, Berwald, the Bassist, and last but not least, Lukas, the violinist.

See, that's where you ran into issue.

Lukas was not just a clean-cut kid down the street. He was flawless in every way; how his platinum white hair glistened, how straight his posture was, the shade of violet in his eyes, and even the tone he talked in.

To you, anyway.

Growing up, Lukas and you were good friends. Both of you were taught violin by his mother, and you ended up playing together a lot. You remember the way he laughed and giggled, the way he tripped when he ran too fast, the troll friends he described to you, and the beautiful daisy crowns he made you when you played pretend in his backyard.

As you grew up, you also grew apart. He became fond of classical music, while you explored alternative. He went to symphonies with his family, you begged yours for Abney Park tickets. Lukas made friends with the snooty kids, while you hung around the unnoticed punks. He took orchestra and became first chair, as you dropped all violin classes and only played casually.

Finally, after getting a flatter bridge, you decided to play more fiddle. Your wardrobe accumulated more and more awesome steampunk clothes, and all of this lead to your decision to start the band.

Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, Arthur and Natalia would stop by your house. It's not like any of you did sports; rehearsal was the only thing booked in your schedules.

The other two were irritated by The Sticks, as they seemed to look down upon your band, but you were always too focused on Lukas to care.


You heard Natalia shout, karate chopping your shoulder. You jumped and winced in pain, almost dropping your instrument and bow.

"Jesus, are you in MMA or something?! Bull-Shark testosterone?!" You placed your bow on your music stand and rubbed your shoulder.

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