Passionate- Germany x Reader [SMUT] [REQUEST]

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For embermevans


You dragged your feet down the stairs, with messy hair and nothing but a silk robe over your underwear and bra.

Upon entering the kitchen, you found your longterm boyfriend, Ludwig, making coffee with a towel around his waist.

"Ludwig, it's 5 a. m. What are you-" you were cut off by the large man.

"I couldn't sleep. I'm sorry if I woke you up, Liebling." He handed you a mug of coffee and leaned on the countertop.

"You couldn't sleep? What's wrong? Something on your mind?" You set down the cup, and went over to wrap your arms around Ludwig's core.

"N- nein." He nervously sipped his coffee. "I just- never mind" he grumbled, blushing a bit.

This response scared you; it sounded like you had done something wrong. You decided not to pry, and sipped your cup silently, until you couldn't take it anymore.

"Did I do something? I didn't mean to upset you." He looked down and softened his expression.

"Nein! It's just something with Feliciano. Jou shouldn't worry about it."

"Okay... But now I'm really worried!" You finished your coffee and went to get a shower.


After stepping out of the shower, a white towel wrapped around your chest, you walked into your bedroom. Before you even opened the it, you found a note on the door.

Please dress very formally and meet me in the lounge.
-Your Ludwig

You smiled at the words "Your Ludwig". After taking to note off your door, you went inside and began to get dressed.

After some trying on, you found the right dress. It was strapless and floor-length, and cut in your favorite shape; one that made your body look godlike. The coloring was a deep shade of (f/c), with (black/white) accents at the hem.

You put on a pair of (black/white) pumps and grabbed a (f/c) clutch to math the dress. After doing your makeup and accessorizing, you spun in the mirror one last time and went downstairs.

Ludwig was waiting at the bottom of the stairs, wearing a gorgeous suit you had never seen him wear. He was holding a bouquet of your favorite flower, and shifting nervously.

"Jou look perfect."

He offered his hand out and gave a small smile.

"What's all this about?" You asked, accepting the flowers and taking his offered hand. He led you out to your car and opened the door for you.

"It's something I've planned for tonight. I vanted it to be a surprise." He began driving to this said surprise, cramped in the little car.

He pulled up to very familiar and fancy Italian restaurant, Vargas' Place.

After opening the door for you, Ludwig led you into the lobby, where you were met with two brown eyes.

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