Moments- Denmark x Rebel!Reader [REQUEST]

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There she was.

Her (h/l) hair, her (e/c) eyes. Her black clothes, her rebellious personality. Everything perfect in the world was right there.

In my car.

Yes, we had been dating for months, but I just couldn't get over it. I had finally found the love of my life, and her name was (f/n) (l/n).

Six months ago

"Did it hurt-" I paused to make finger guns. "When you fell from heaven?" I slid onto my crush, (f/n)'s, locker while saying this. After looking her up and down- noticing her black clothing, uninviting posture and creepypasta/band merchandise- I continued talking. "Or, when you crawled out of he-"

"Enough." She slammed her locker shut. "I'm not interested in dating, Mathias. Just stop with the fucking annoying lines."

Personally, I think my lines are great.

Sure, coming to her locker every day was considered obsessive by some people, and no one knew why I liked her, but hell. I did. A lot.

I watched her leave m, clutching her doodled-on notebook in her right hand and walking toughly. She really doesn't know how perfect she is. As she disappeared down the high school hallway, I sighed. One day I'd have her. One day.


"Babe, can you tell me how we met?" She asked, placing her feet on the dashboard of my 1969 Mustang.

"What?! Weren't you there?" I laughed and asked.

She chucked back and I felt her warm eyes move to me. "I love it when you tell it." I gulped.

"Well, I hit on you for about all of high school, and you always said you weren't interested. I couldn't pass up such a beautiful and perfect girl, so on the night of our graduation, I asked you out formally." I thought for a second, recalling the story of the fateful night.

"And you said yes, which surprised me. We went out, and I fell even more in love with you." Pulling her hand closer to me, I kissed it and smiled. "I guess you felt the same." She smiled and kissed my cheek with her dark lips.

"Well, I guess you could say that."


"Matt, do you want me to drive the rest?" (F/n) stretched and rubbed her eye, a bit of black eyeliner coming off on her fingertips. "You look tired as fuck."

"Nah, we're almost there." I drove just a couple more minutes, until we pulled into the car park at our destination. It was the restaurant where we went on our first date.

"Matt, I'm so glad we did this." She reached for the door handle, until I stopped her. I hustled out of my side, and opened the door for her roughly. She laughed and climbed out, hair blowing and leather jacket rustling. "And they say chivalry is dead."

"Not with me here." I wrapped my arms around her waist tightly, pulling her into my chest. After lifting her up onto the roof of my car, I cupped her cheeks and kissed her deeply. Because of the height difference between us, it was quite easy. She kissed back, draping her arms over my relatively broad shoulders.

We kissed passionately as the sun set behind us, leaning against my old Mustang. The feeling of her lips on mine excited me, as I played with her leather jacket and flimsy black graphic tee. She eventually pulled away, resting her forehead on mine. There was nothing I loved more than these perfect moments. After the skinny strand of saliva broke, I picked her up and escorted her inside the family diner.

We were seated at a red booth in the window, in a quiet corner of the restaurant. It was very clean and well-kept diner, with good food that- by looking at the menu- hadn't changed a bit.

My eyes trailed upwards to look at (f/n), while I hid behind a menu. She was looking over the laminated page, resting her head on her hand. She had her adorable resting bitch face plastered on, making me chuckle.

"What's so funny?" She said, looking up with an eyebrow raised.

"Nothing!" I moved the menu back up to cover the rest of my head. She laughed back at me, pushing the menu down out of my face.

"I can still see your hair, idiot."

"Hi! You ready to order?" A blond waitress asked, pen in hand. I ordered my favorite meal, a beer and a milkshake, while (f/n) ordered her meal and a beer as well. After the waitress left, I sat back and realized something.

"What are you smiling so big about?" (F/n) asked, sipping her ice water.

"We ordered the exact same things as we did on our first date." She smiled and leaned forward, pecking my lips.

"How sentimental."

After our food came, I got an extra straw and shared the milkshake with (f/n). We both ate quickly, as we were very hungry from the long drive, and drank more than we probably should have. But it was totally worth it.

After we finished the meal, we sat there for hours, just talking, laughing, and reminiscing. I had never had more fun in my life, and it wasn't just because we were drunk as hell. We eventually started to drink water and coffee, snacking on our dessert of choice until the alcohol in our systems passed. We payed and left the restaurant, and drove to a nearby motel.

(F/n) pulled into the car park of the motel, which took about five minutes to get to. She parked while I leaned my head on her shoulder, playing with her hair and occasionally kissing her neck. After (f/n) turned off the car, I carried her bridal style into the lobby, and rented a room. She held the key as I carried her easily to the room.

I slammed the door shut and began to kiss her familiar and soft lips. She leaned up, still in my arms, and kissed back. She pulled away and gasped, looking into my eyes.

"I love you Mathias."

I swear I almost dropped her.

"I- I love you too, (f/n)! So much!" I placed her on the edge of the bed and hugged her tightly like a puppy.

I really did love these perfect moments.


Requested by: Nightmare_Artist

{I'm sorry but this is total crap. I am not proud of this at all! I tried to go for a Dean Winchester-y type thing and it just didn't work well. Also I thought it being in Denmark's POV would be cool and new, but it just ended up confusing. I just had total writers block and I'm sorry!}

Next up: Hitman Jones X Dacnomaniac!Showgirl!Reader [Part Two]

After that: Germany X Reader [Hardcore Smut]

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