Hookups- Denmark x Reader [SMUT] [REQUEST]

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For Nightmare_Artist

Feliciano Vargas? Left swipe.

Ivan Braginski? Left swipe.

You clutched your pillow to your chest, laying on your stomach with wet hair hanging in your face. It was an average Wednesday night for you; come home from work, eat, shower, Tinder.

It wasn't always Tinder; sometimes it was Match.com, even EHarmony.

Yeah, you were hella single.

You were about to run out of possible matches (again), when a picture of a blonde man struck your eye.

He was obviously quite muscular, with a nice jawline and awesome ass hair. He seemed really nice, by his description.

The guy- Mathias, 21, it read- seemed a bit too good to be true. Why would a guy who looks like THAY need Tinder? You squinted at his photo.

Okay, even if it was a catfish, it's worth trying, right?

You right-swiped his photo, leading to the very surprising screen.

"You and Mathias liked each other!"

HELL YES. You received the first message.

"Hello! I see we were lucky enough to match! I'm Mathias!"

"Hey, I'm (F/n)! You probably already saw that from my bio though. Nice to meet you!"

"XD yes, I saw. And you too! So, how are you doing?"

As you and Mathias chatted, the time seemed to fly by. The fact that he was 21 and still used "XD" was something you could get over. He was quite nice to you, and you enjoyed his company. Gasp, was a date actually in sight?

Just as you thought about asking him out, you got a message.

"I know it's quick, but do you want to get drinks this Friday?"

"I'd love that!"

You set up the place and time, and then signed off. You were finally back in the dating game.


"Tonight's the night." You said, as you got home from work. You skipped into the house and took off your shoes, thinking about what to wear.

You had to meet Mathias at 7:30, so you had about two hours to get ready.

Munching on an apple, you looked through your closet. You settled on a black button down and black tie, with a pair of cherry red skinny jeans. You turned around in the mirror and brushed yourself off. Not bad.

Now, it was time for hair and makeup. You threw away your apple core as you ran into the bathroom. You did your hair as normal, just with a little bit more styling in it and some hairspray to hold it. After you were done with your hair and put on your base makeup, you coated on a matte, cherry-red lipstick.

Some bright red lips and two perfect eyeliner wings later, you were ready. You grabbed your wallet and keys, and requested an Uber. 


Bondevik Tavern. This is the place.

You waited out front like you said you would, when the man from the photo walked up to you.

"Hey! Are you (f/n)?" He asked, wide eyed and grinning.

"Haha, yeah, I'm (f/n). You're Mathias?"

"Totally. Here, lets go inside! It's chilly out." Mathias led you in by your arm. The place wasn't particularly packed, but it had some customers here and there.

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