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Jenna-is-alive: sorry

1 hour later

Taythenightmare: what for?

Jenna-is-alive: just nvm..what's up?

Taythenightmare: haha Jenna you aren't fine..what happened ?

Jenna-is-alive: well yesterday...

Taythenightmare: yeah?

Jenna-is-alive: well my boyfriend Caleb hit me..

Taythenightmare: you have a boyfriend?
Taythenightmare: wait wait he hits you?!?
Taythenightmare: what the fuck..
Taythenightmare: holy shit Jenna are you okay?

Jenna-is-alive: no no it's fine

Taythenightmare: no it isn't.

Jenna-is-alive: let's talk about something else pls?

Taythenightmare: okay

Jenna-is-alive: well for one thing I don't know what you look like..you have no pictures on your blog lol

Taythenightmare: it's cause I'm uglyyyyyyyyy

Jenna-is-alive: okay lies but whatever

Taythenightmare: I'll describe myself then

Jenna-is-alive: alright fine

Taythenightmare: well I have brown eyes and brown hair and I'm really pale

Jenna-is-alive: you sound so cuteeee(:

Jenna-is-alive: well you already know what I look like..I've got blonde hair and like these crystal blue eyes and I'm a little tan since I'm from California

Taythenightmare: yeah yea you're attractive we know xD

Jenna-is-alive: ohh you think I'm attractive

Taythemightmare: it's because you are..

Jenna-is-alive: but you're the attractiveest

Taythenightmare: mm not a wordd

Jenna-is-alive: see you're so cute that I'm making up words (;

Taythenightmare: you're gonna make me blush, stop....

Jenna-is-alive: haha aw, now I rlly want to see youuuu

Taythenightmare: nope /-\

Jenna-is-alive: whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Taythenightmare: JENNA

Jenna-is-alive: TAYLOR

Taythenightmare: I'm laughing

Jenna-is-alive: if our personalities combined and made a person I would fuck it.

Taythenightmare: hahahhhha XD
Taythenightmare: okay same
Taythenightmare: wait, wait so you'd fuck me?

Jenna-is-alive: oh totally((;

Taythenightmare: mhm
Taythenughtmare: and how would your boyfriend feel about this?

5 minutes later

Taythenightmare: Jennaaaa?

1 hour later

Jenna-is-alive: sorry
Jenna-is-alive: what's up?

Taythenightmare: why do you keep on doing that?

Jenna-is-alive: doing what?

Taythenightmare: you keep leaving me on read and then you come back an hour later

Jenna-is-alive: it's nothing, okay?

Taythenightmare: you sound upset

Jenna-is-alive: whatever
Jenna-is-alive: brb okay?

Taythenightmare: okay.

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