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tartarsauce<3: okay okay so parents are going to be gone for two weeks so it's official I can see you

tartarsauce<3: i'm taking my friend Melanie though to guide me and keep me company on the road she's going to warped too

5 mintues later

jenny !: ah man that's so great!

jenny !: i'm so excited Tay(: we'll finally see each other

jenny !: how long r you staying out here?

tartarsauce<3: three days. We're driving so it's gonna take hella longggggg

jenny !: 'hella; surfer talk I dig ((;

tartarsauce<3: b y e

jenny !: hah babe text me which hotel you're staying at so I can come and see you

tartarsauce<3: umm ofcourseeeeee

jenny !: (:

tartarsauce<3: :(:

jenny !: we are not about to do this

tartarsauce<3: cringe?

tartarsauce<3: cA-RINGE.

jenny ! : love you

tartarsauce<3: bullshit

tartarsauce<3: I love you more

jenny !: hmm we'll see(;

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