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Taythenightmare: hey girlfriend (:

5 minutes later

Jenna-is-alive: ok at first I literally thought you were one of my friends I'm

Taythenightmare: yeah
Taythenightmare: a girlfriend

Jenna-is-alive: well someone's in a good mood((((:

Taythenightmare: someone iss
Taythenightmare: you really helped me yesterday holy shit
Taythenightmare: like thank you so much I really was about to pull that trigger

Jenna-is-alive: well I'm glad you didn't

Taythenightmare: I'm glad too

Jenna-is-alive: if you don't mind me asking, what are your pronouns? (:

Taythenightmare: she/her
Taythenightmare: I've never felt masculine, you?

Jenna-is-alive: I'm just a lesbian on the internet trying to have a good time

Taythenightmare: ok relatable

Jenna-is-alive: ):

Taythenoghtmare: :(:

Jenna-is-alive: ]:

Taythenightmare: :]:

Jenna-is-alive: copying me I see

Taythenightmare: are not

Jenna-is-alive: are too

Taythenightmare: are nOttt

Jenna-is-alive: 😂you're such a baby but it's okay bc ur hella cute when you act that way
Jenna-is-alive: what type of music are you into?

Taythenightmare: I'm ur banyy<3
Taythenightmare: country and rock

Jenna-is-alive: ahhahahhhhaha
Jenna-is-alive: no. No Tay you did not just type that

Taythenightmare: XD everyone thinks I'm crazy

Jenna-is-alive: i like crazy(;

Taythenightmare: mhm (; kinky

Jenna-is-alive: I can't
Jenna-is-alive: I'm drinking tea and I just choked on tea H e l p

Taythenightmare: xDD
Taythenightmare: tea?? How British of you

Jenna-is-alive: whatever you say, love

Taythenightmare: why are you so attractive stop

Jenna-is-alive: oh I know
Jenna-is-alive: but babe you're the attactivest

Taythenightmare: again, not a worddddd

Jenna-is-alive: i can sing

Taythenightmare: random but ok
Taythenightmare: send me a video on kikkkkkkkkk

Jenna-is-alive: alright but my turtle Tony is gonna be in the video with me
Jenna-is-alive: i need 2 stop referring to Tony as a turtle I'm
Jenna-is-alive: he's my bestfriend

Taythenightmare: oh nice
Taythenightmare: I want a bestieee

Jenna-is-alive: we're so gay it's gr8

Taythenightmare: rightXD
Taythenightmare: send me the video Jennyy

Jenna-is-alive: mm nicknames I love
Jenna-is-alive: you're my Tartar sauce

Taythenightmare: did you just
Taythenightmare: you did

Jenna-is-alive: lol go on kik I sent it to you


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