Liam" hero hair "

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Written by meganstyles00 written for Jennifer

*flashback (1st grade)*
"Come on weenie. Betcha won't hit me back." The kid taunts me. Her friends start joining in, pushing me in a circle back and forth. Calling me names and saying mean things. "Stop it." I say. They just keep pushing me. I drop to the ground and cry. They stand there kicking me. Sudden I feel someone pulling me out of the circle. Its a guy. "Come on." He tells me. He gets me out of the group of girls and we run back to his house. "My name is Liam. Liam Payne." He sounded funny. "Why do you sound funny, Liam?" He laughs. "Because I'm from England. Not America." I had no clue what either of those places were. "My name is Jennifer Elaine Johnson." He smiles. "I think we should be best friends." I giggle. "I'll make sure you are always safe Jenny."

*flashback (10th grade)*
"Come at me bitch." Kendra says, shoving me against the lockers. "Fight back you little pussy. I dare you." I stand there and take her pushing me. "I said to fight back." I almost give into her.. At that moment Liam comes running down the hallway. "Leave her alone Kendra!" He yells. "What are you gonna do about it? Try and heal her 'Payne'?" She jokes. Her group laughs. "Come on Jenny. We don't need to hang around skanks." They laugh. Kendra turns and slaps Liam's face. She just messed up. You don't touch my best friend. I raise my fist and he stops it from punching her. He grabs my shoulders and pushes me away from the group of snobby girls. "What the hell Liam? I could have beat her ass right there." I yell at him when we get outside. "I couldn't let you do it. Remember I'll always protect you."

I am walking around campus at college. Its pretty late but I had to study at the library. Liam was supposed to meet me there hours ago but I guess lacrosse practice ran over. Its a chilly night. I can see my breath in the air. I pull my coat in more to keep myself warm. I feel like someone is watching me so I pick up the pace and walk faster back to my dorm. I see my building just ahead. I look all around me and I don't see anyone. Out of no where someone grabs me and covers my mouth. I bite their hand and elbow their stomach, then begin to run. Someone he catches up with me and jerks me back into his arms. He wraps one arm around my entire body. I go into panic and scream for help. No one comes.

He gets his hand over my mouth again. He lifts my body off the ground and carries me into the bushes. He drops me on the ground. I try to get up and run but he kicks my stomach. "Stop moving whore." I am so confused why he called me a whore. I am a virgin!! We hear someone running up the steps. He jumps down and puts his hand over my mouth. I start the scream into his hand. "Help. Help. Help." The muffled sounds finally escape his hand. "Help!" I let out one loud time. A head pops over the rail. "Jennifer!!" Liam jumps over the rail and tackles the guy to the ground.

"Jenny, run." He tells me. I was not leaving Liam. I dial 911 and run to the steps so they can hear. "We are at the college. And some guy tried to kill me. Get here fast. Girls dorm." I look down and see the guy on top of Liam fixing to punch him. "Stop!" A cop yells. "Put your hands up!" The guy put his hands on his head and the cop walks over and handcuffs him. "You done a brave thing sir.", the cop tells Liam. He nods and comes up the steps to be with me. "Are you okay?" He asks. I ignore his question. I put his face in my hands and put our lips together. "Thank you." I say while pulling away from our long kiss. "I told you that I will always protect you and keep you safe, Jenny." He laughs and pulls me into his chest.

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