Rogers | Countdown

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(So I got inspired by the soulmate AU, which i really love, and I made this imagine.

Status: edited
Word count: 1153 words
Warnings: minor language


A year ago, you met Steven Grant Rogers. You met him when you were out running, and he accidentally bumped into you- literally. You fell, and he helped you up. Apologized for doing so, and happened to ask for your number. Things clicked and well... you both confessed your affection for each other after a few dates. Things moved pretty fast, and both of you were officially boyfriend and girlfriend by the fifth date.

But the problem is, the world is cruel. And like everyone else, you'd have to be with your soulmate or things would go south. You'd wait until the final countdown and then poof you and your soulmate meet each other.
It's all destiny and all that made-for-each-other shit.
It's also the little numbers embedded on your wrist like a tattoo. Everyone has it from the day they were born, and it starts just as they breathe their first breath.

The Countdown. It may be terrifying for some, and exciting for the others. But for you, it was truly devastating. Truth was, when you met Steve, both of your numbers were still counting.

Steve Rogers is not your soulmate. And you aren't his.

Both of you had come to accept the fact, that one day you would have to split ways and be with your destined significant other. Correction; he accepted the fact. You never did.

You would lay awake at night, listening to the deep rumble of your boyfriend's snoring. Wishing it wouldn't be for the last time.


28(d) 23(h) 55(m) 09(s)

You blinked as a small gasp escaped your pale lips. It'd be twenty-eight days. Twenty eight days until you'd have to leave Steve. And meet your so-called soulmate. But you don't want to. For you, Steve is your soulmate. No matter what the numbers say.

Just as his face crept into your mind, he appeared leaning on your doorway. You kept your eyes glued to your wrist.

Steve seemed to catch on.

"How many?" He asked. You tried to speak, but no words came out. All you could do was wipe a tear in reply. He walked over to you, seeing that you needed comforting. He hugged you, pressing your head gently to his chest. He didn't want to tell you about his numbers. No, not now. But you asked.
"What about your numbers, Steve?"

He hesitated. "Tell me yours first."
Your (e/c) irises met his. And softly, you spoke. "Twenty eight."
The blond looked at you with genuine sadness.
"Days?" He mumbled. "Days." You confirmed.

You didn't expect for him to suddenly blurt out, "Twenty four."
And when he did, it had thrown you off. But you covered your shock by asking him the same thing he asked you just a few seconds ago.
"Days?" You tried to keep your voice from cracking. You waited for his soft, alluring voice to reply but it never uttered a word. Your head shot up quickly when you realized it. "Steve, is it twenty four days?"
He closed his eyes, and you panicked.
Will he leave me today?

When his eyelids fluttered open to reveal those baby blue eyes that you always gazed into, you felt a tear rolling down your cheek.
You knew that what would come out of his mouth wouldn't be good.

"Hours, Y/N."


Twenty four hours. One day.
Twenty four hours before Steve meets his soulmate.

And he told you that going your separate ways would be the best for both of you.

"It would be better for us, Y/N." He sighed, trying to force a smile. "But how do you know that? How can you say that it'll be better when I can't possibly live without you?" You cried, running your trembling hands through your hair. Sobs wrecked through your body, weakening your knees and allowing yourself to fall onto the carpeted floor. Steve rushed to your side, catching you just in time before you got seriously hurt.

"I know. I can't live without you too. But your soulmate will make you happier. As will mine. Don't worry, Y/N. We'll be fine." He rubbed circles on your back as you practically cried a river.

"Who said that?" You sniffed, burying your head in the crook of your soon to be ex-boyfriend's - a title that tasted sour in your mouth - neck. "Everyone." Steve replied calmly, though you could hear the edge in his voice. You sighed sadly, "Well fuck everyone." Steve let out a chuckle, "Language, doll." You tried to keep yourself from laughing, but why miss out on all his jokes if you're going to hear it for the last time?

You giggled lightly, but hit his chest with what little energy you had - which probably just felt like a hiccup to the buff guy - and felt yourself on the verge of tears. "Don't call me that." He kissed the top of your head. "Why not?" Tears blurred your vision and you struggled to keep yourself from crying again.

"It hurts me knowing that you'll call another girl doll, when we're over."
"And that you'll call her that forever."


"I love you Steve. Even if the world says we can't."
You whispered, watching him examine his numbers.

"I love you too, Y/N."
His voice cracked, making you want to sob into his arms all over again.
You glanced at your numbers, and regretted it just as you saw them.

26(d) 20(h) 47(m) 01(s)

Something happened and your 'soulmate' must have did something that would make you meet earlier. You silently cursed under your breath.

What, did he get on a plane? Did he move in next door? What did he do? Shaking your head, you teared your eyes away from your wrist.

"Y/N." the gruff voice you know you love brought you back to reality.

"Yeah?" You gave him a small grin. Steve looked at you with such emotion that you swore his eyes turned a tad grey.

"It's... it's a few more minutes."

You gulped, "Well then, Stevie. That means I have to grab my bags and leave." He nodded. You licked your lips awkwardly, forcing yourself to carry the two duffle bags that contained all your belongings you had packed the night before.

Without realizing it, you walked over to Steve and pressed your lips to his. He immediately kissed back passionately.

When you pulled away, your fingers grazed over your lips in realization
that that was the last kiss you two would share.

"Goodbye, Captain." You saluted him jokingly.

"Goodbye, ma'am." He replied you with a salute, too.

Both of you smiled for a second, before you nodded at him and walked out of the door.

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