Stark | How Are You?

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Prompt: Reader and Tony were bffs in high school but parted ways after graduation. Then.. They bump into each other.

Status: unedited
Word count: 1560
Warnings: a news report that makes no sense


"-- when he's finished does he step back and adore ya? "

Chris Brown's 'Fine China ' was blasting through your car speakers. You were happily singing and dancing along to the beat.

The road was packed, and you were glad you made the decision to make your way to work four hours earlier. You couldn't possibly get through the traffic jam if you were a few hours later.

The song ended, and you frowned to yourself. But then another beat played, and - Hey, I know this song.

" Hey, pretty baby, with the high heels on,"

You froze, this song -- this god damn song -- connected to you in several ways.

This song was his and yours.

You and your best friend, Tony, from high school, used to dance to Michael Jackson's The Way You Make Me Feel whenever it played. And you danced to it at prom. You suspected that he requested for it to play, but it didn't really matter. It was the best night.


"OUR SONG! We gotta dance, Y/N! "

You giggled, nodding eagerly. He dragged you to the dance floor, where lots of other people have already gathered.

You would've never danced in public, but you wouldn't dare to not to with this song playing.

"Hey pretty baby, with the high heels on! "

You sang along with Tony. You didn't give a care in the world if you were singing off-key, or dancing horribly. All that mattered was that you were right here, right now. With your best friend.

"I'll pick you up in my car, and we'll paint the town! " You laughed, amused by how loud Tony sang.

You enjoyed this. You loved this.

"Tony? " you yelled, hoping he heard you over the loud music.

"Yes? " he yelled back.

"I love you. "

It wasn't a rare thing for you to say that. You both said I love you to each other for as long as you could remember. It was brotherly/sisterly love. Nothing beyond that, and you both knew that. There was no secret behind anything. You told everything to each other.

"I love you too, Y/N. " he grinned.

"THE WAY YOU MAKE ME FEEL! " you both howled in unison, doubling over in laughter as you continued to dance.

You smiled to yourself at the memory, but a loud honk brought you smashing back down to earth.

The car in front of you was at least twenty feet away from yours. You hadn't moved an inch, due to dozing off in daydream.

You quickly drove forward, signaling an apology to the car behind you.

"Jeez. "


You were currently at your favorite coffee shop. You always went here before work. Another reason why you took off from home so early. You liked to have a cup of (favorite beverage) before you went to work. Also because you didn't want to break your record of arriving extra early to work.

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