Rogers | Into You

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In which reader and Steve like each other but are too shy to admit it.

Status: edited
Word count: 1519
Warnings: it sucks!!!

"Steve, just do it!"


"Steve, c'mon dude, man up!"


Natasha Romanoff watched from afar as she watched her two friends argue loudly. Over what? She had yet to find out.

She flung her shoe at them both, earning a surprised yelp and a string of profanities. "Hey idiots, keep it down will ya'?"

Steve puffed out a breathe of relief and shrugged at Clint, as if saying 'Nat-said-shut-up-so-i'll-go-and-we'll-never-talk-about-this-again'. Clint sighed angrily, crossing his arms on his chest.

"Hey, Nat! Would you come here for a minute." He waited for a reply but none came, so he looked over- "WHATS UP?" she jumped out suddenly.

The archer screamed and fell over, but he quickly gained his back balance.

"Don't do that!" He warned, "Well, I need you to help me."

"Pfft, like I'd ever?"

"Just listen!" He paused dramatically. "Steve likes Y/N."

The redhead shrugged, "Everyone knows."

Clint smirked, "Except for Y/N."

Natasha snapped her fingers, "And everyone knows Y/N likes Steve-"

"Except for the man himself," he smirked. Natasha knew what he was planning, and being the Romanoff she is, she took the opportunity to take control.

"Let's do this."


"(Y/N), just tell him!"


"But why? What is so wrong?"

"Just leave it alone, Wanda."

A very exasperated Wanda Maximoff was trying to push you to tell Steve Rogers about your romantic feelings for him. Unfortunately for her -but fortunately for you - she was miserably failing, and it was obvious.

You were her best friend and vice versa, but she just couldn't get past through your hesitation.

You grabbed your cup of coffee and ran away from the brunette before she started talking again, spilling some of the beverage on the floor carelessly.

She sighed, putting her hands on her hips as she watched you wander away.


Wanda turned around, searching for the source of sound.

"Pst! Wanda."

She turned again, confused.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed her by her shoulder and dragged her into a closet. She yelped and almost screamed but stopped herself when she saw a flash of red hair.

"Natasha! Dear God! What is it?"

The redhead chuckled, and as if on cue, Clint appeared out of nowhere.

"We need your help."

"What is it you need?" She groaned.

The couple leaned in close, eerily wearing duplicate smirks on their chiseled faces.

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