Romanoff | Softie

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Reader celebrates Natasha's birthday for the first time as a couple.

Status: edited
Word count: 563
Warnings: -

Today is offically Natasha Romanoff's birthday. She didn't know you knew but when the both of you started becoming a couple, you went through the effort of hacking S.H.I.E.L.D's files for her birth date.

Hey, it wasn't fair that she knew and you didn't, right?

So here you were, crouched down in an uncomfortable position just so your girlfriend wouldn't see you, just like the dozens of other people you've invited over to you and Nat's humble abode.

Wanda had the job of distracting the red-head, and all of you were waiting for her signal - four knocks on the door.

When you heard the knocks, you bit your lip in excitement, squeezing Tony's hand to stifle your giggles- he glared at you when you squeezed a little too hard, though.

Just as the lights clicked on, everyone jumped out and yelled the overused phrase of...


You worried Natasha's nerves would kick in and she'd lash out and go into assassin-mode, or get mad that you knew her little 'secret'. But it surprised you, really, when nothing happened. She didn't show any negative signs.

The music started to play and everyone began to roam around and mingle. You, however, had your eyes set on Natasha. She seemed to have the same plan and started walking towards you.

"Hey, babe! Happy birthday," you grinned mischievously.

"How?" she gestured around the room. Streamers hung from the walls, balloons were placed everywhere, and a big banner wishing her a happy birthday hung from one end of the room to the other. All the decorations were red and black in color - her signature colors.

"Eh..." you handed her a glass of Scotch, "S.H.I.E.L.D's network isn't really that strong. You should get Tony to fix their firewall."

She attacked you with a bone-crushing hug and a quiet, but nonetheless heartwarming, "Thank you."

As if on cue, Steve and Bucky came in with the large cake with a chorus of the 'Happy Birthday' song.

They set the cake on the table in front of you, and Natasha leaned over to read the words in written in frosting you had specifically asked for at the bakery. To the Black Widow - you big softie. Happy Birthday!

You smiled, leaning in to whisper three words for the first time, "I love you."

She spun around to face you and pecked you on the lips. "I love you too."

And that day, ladies and gentlemen, was the first time the Black Widow cried in front of everybody. Tony, being the asshat he is, took out his phone and began recording.

Arms lovingly wrapped around your girlfriend, you asked her what was wrong.

"Nothing! It's just... " she sniffed. "I love the party, Y/N."

"You sure?"

"Yeah," this earned a raise of an eyebrow from you. "Okay. Well, nobody ever celebrated my birthday before. The team never knew, and well, you're kind of my first serious relationship."

"I never knew that."

She nodded, and you wiped the tears from her eyes with your thumbs. "You're such a softie for an assasin."

She punched you in the arm playfully, (but Black Widow's punches will never ever not hurt) making you wince. The crowd took that as a sign to cheer, leaving you and Natasha in smiles.

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