Stark | The Best Jerk

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I have a lovehate relationship with cliché's. And sibling love. Sorry. Reader is in college btw.

Status: edited
Word count: 857 words
Warnings: minor language


Being a Stark has it's perks. Being Tony's younger sister is another story.

See, your parents left everything to the both of you as it states in their will. Everything includes their money and your father's company.

Both of you had agreed on deeming Tony as your 'caretaker' and the manager of everything. It was logic, the eldest sibling being the one in charge.

Tony had spoiled you thoroughly, even if he was only a few years older than you. He gave you all the things you asked for, but of course, he had his limits.

You had everything in the palm of your hands. Being rich and famous? Check.
Having all the designer merchandise? Check. The most perfect house, scratch that, mansion to live in. Check.

Everything. Check check check.

But there was one thing you always desired and never properly had.


You could get a guy in the blink of an eye and a snap of a finger but none of them, I repeat, none of them loved you truly. They only see you as a Stark. As Iron Man's sister. As the rich and perfect girl. All they wanted is to say that they had been with you - slept with you, kissed you, dated you - so their friends would get jealous but bump their fist anyway.

You hated how you couldn't trust anyone. It always led to the downfall of your relationship. Although, sometimes, your heart was right.

That's what brings us here today. The present. Another guy, another heartbreak.

You sat criss-cross legged on the balcony as you pressed you face against the glass railing. The tattletale hues of orange and red showed you the sun was setting.

You sighed- a deep long sigh.

"Why am I even a person?" You mumbled to yourself as your (e/c) eyes scanned the buildings of New York City. You let out another sigh, closing your eyes, letting the tears roll onto your cheeks.


"Jarvis, call Y/N for me please." Tony spoke to his A.I, nonchalantly. As he took a bite out of his sandwich, he scrolled through the messages on his phone.

"I'm afraid she needs some privacy, sir." Jarvis informed the billionaire. Tony's eyes shot up from his phone and he immediately put his sandwich down.

"Where is she?" He made his way to the lift hurriedly, wanting to make his way to you as soon as possible.

"The balcony."


You were crying silently. Blaming yourself for being such a dumbass. I never should've trusted that shithead.

You were so deep in thought, you didn't realize the balcony door opening from the inside. And you didn't realize when the intruder had sat down next to you. That's why you were startled when you felt a pair of arms wrap around your torso.

"T-Tony?" You sniffed.

He smiled at you, giving your shoulder a light squeeze.

"What... what are you doing here?" You asked, but your voice came out raspy and throaty, like gravel.

" Oh, you know. Enjoying the view." He replied casually, as if nothing was wrong.

You blinked, sighed and went back to pressing your face on the glass railing. Tony seemed to fiddle with his fingers as you did so. You knew he was going to say something.

"I know."

He blinked, "What?"

You pursed your lips, keeping your gaze away from his eyes. "I know that I'm stupid."

He raised an eyebrow.

"I really thought he loved me. I really did, Tony...So I told him how I felt." You began to cry. "He didn't say it back. Then he broke it off." You hiccuped.

Tony hugged you tighter and you leaned into his chest, crying into his shirt like a baby. He surprised you with a few words though, and it made you stop crying a little.

"I don't think you're stupid."

You turned your head to look at him. "What?" You whispered.

"I said, I don't think you're dumb."

When you didn't reply, he continued.

"Your hunt for awes me. Gives me hope that maybe true love really does exist. That we all have that one person."

You shook your head, "How? All I get is heartbreak."

Your brother smiled, "That's the thing. You never stop trying. I'm positive you'll find your soulmate one day, Y/N. You're so headstrong it hurts." You chuckled.

"Like seriously, it's a pain in the ass."

You punched his shoulder playfully, which Tony replied with an overdramatic yelp. "Excuse me? Pain in the ass? The only pain here is you."

"Hey! At least I don't have to study for finals for... what? Three more years?"

"Ugh! You really don't have to remind me, jerk."

"But I'm the best jerk, aren't I?"

You leaned over to kiss his cheek, "Hell yes. You are." You were thankful, but you didn't need to tell him that. There were certain things you both knew deep down.

He smiled, hugging you once more. "Yup. I'm the best."

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