Stark | Lil' Bit Drunk

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( Y/F/N is your friend's name. Just a heads up.)

Status: edited
Word count: 1396
Warnings: -


You admit, you're an introvert. That's what they call the people who prefer to stay inside and binge watch (favorite show) on Netflix, right?

They also say that opposites attract, and that sort of explains your relationship with Y/F/N.

She's the total opposite of you. You like to stay at home, she gets claustrophobic and has to go out. You hate talking to people, all she does is talk. You get anxious around people and prefer to be alone, while Y/F/N can't stand silence.

What's worse is that you're roommates, and she seems to be invited to a different party every night (you learned that she snuck in a few parties the hard way last week) and the best thing about it is that you always get dragged along!- note the sarcasm.

And you always, always give in to her antics.

"Y/F/N, please, I don't want to go." You whined, throwing yourself on the couch and buried your head in a throw pillow.

"Oh c'mon, Y/N! It'll be fun, I swear." She proceeded to beg. You rolled your eyes, forgetting for a moment that she can't see your face.

"Oh, yeah. It was totally fun when we got scolded by that bouncer last week." Your voice was muffled by the pillow, but you knew she could her you clearly. Y/F/N groaned, snatching the pillow from you but you covered your face with your hands.

She sighed, "Please?"

Something in her voice made you feel guilty. So, you mimicked her sigh, and held up two fingers, shoving them towards her. "Give me two reasons why I should go to this party."

Y/F/N kept a straight face on but you could tell she was happy. "Well, one; I'm going on behalf of my boss. If I don't go, there's a ninety nine percent chance that he'll fire me. So, obviously, I need your support. "

You groaned once again.

"And two..." she trailed off. You waited for her response. "(Their crush) will be there."

At the mention of the familiar name, you peeled your hands off of your face. She looked so sad. It made your stomach churn. Guilt was not one of your favourite feelings.

You sighed, "Fine. Give me five minutes."

Y/F/N leaped from her spot and hugged the life out of you. "Oh my God, thank you so much Y/N!" You winced as she squealed in your ear.

"But what should I wear?"

She flashed a grin before replying, "Leave that up to me."


You ended up wearing a (f/c) coloured, sleeveless dress that stopped at your knees. It was pretty tight and it hugged your curves perfectly. You never liked tight dresses, especially ones that were short- it belonged to Y/F/N.

As expected, Y/F/N left you to mingle with (their crush) so here you were, sipping drinks at the bar. You couldn't think straight as the music rang in your ears - almost to the point where it deafened you - while the drink numbed your tongue.

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