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The engine rumbled quietly, as Jay pushed the brake slightly, bringing the car to a stop in front of my apartment building. I glanced up at it, before drawing a deep breath, gripping the gun in my hand tightly.

Anybody could be up there.

I stepped out of the car, urging Jay to stay in the car, which he profusely declined, joining me as I pushed the door open. Our footsteps echoed as I walked into the familiar building, the blackness comforting.

"Where is everyone?" Jay asked me, his voice low.

"I bought out the building," I explained, pushing another door open, which led to a seemingly never ending flight of stairs.

"Of course you did," he sighed, following me in climbing up the stairs. After a few minutes of heavy breathing, most of which came from Jay, I stopped, pushing a hidden door open carefully, my gun already held up in front of me.

We both walked in, as I scanned the room quickly, before darting to my room. I grabbed a black duffel bag from my closet, dumping it on my bed. I snatched a few clothes off of the hangers, some shoes, most of my makeup, before heading to the other room, which was penned as "Arsenal" because it held my weapons. I dumped the extra bullets in my bag, as well as a few handguns and a sniper. I chose a few switchblades, along with my favorite one, which had a sleek black handle, and a cruelly sharp blade made of titanium.

I lugged the bag back to the door, where Jay was waiting, the gun in his hands looking out of place.

"Somebody's here," he whispered softly, ushering me out of the door. He glanced through the window carefully, before turning back to me.

"Green eyes, dark brown hair, leaning against my car," he seethed, anger clearly passing through his voice. I understood, as that car, Po, was like a child to him.

"Wait, let me look," I said, my eyes narrowing suspiciously, as the description matched Jax's.  Why would he be here?

You're his assignment. He needs to gain your trust back, my brain quipped back immediately. He's already proven that he doesn't care about you.

Or, another, hopeful part of my mind piped up, he likes you too.

Hold on, I don't like him.

I can't like him.

Only one way to find out.

"Jay, I need you to kiss me," I told him, glancing up at him pleadingly.

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