Chapter 12: Beat Still

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*Louis' Pov*

"Louis...Louis. Oh Lo-Louis..."

"Marcel..." I moaned. I could see Marcel's flushed face as he stared up at me with his wide, green eyes. He looked so beautiful. I moved quickly on top of him, moaning everytime I felt his muscles constrict. He moaned my name softly, then loud, then almost inaudibly. It was so sexy. "Yes, Marcel, yes..."

"What? Marcel? No it's Harry. Remember? to Lou." What? I opened my eyes to see a pair of concerned green ones staring into mine- and not the ones I wanted to see.

"Harry! What are you doing here?"

"You mean what am I doing at school?" I looked around the room to see everyone staring at us. Oh shit! Well...Then again everyone is always staring at us so it's not that bad. I must have fell asleep...

"Why did you call for Marcel?...And why are attention?"

At attention? I gave him a confused glare as he gestured towards my 'peter'. Just as he said, 'Peter' was in fact standing at attention.

"Oh my God." I groaned and covered myself as best I could under my desk. I was dreaming of the magical night I spent with Marcy three days ago. He was easily the best I've ever had. He's been stuck on my mind since then like glue...and I don't think he'll be leaving it anytime soon.

"So do I need to read into the fact that you just moaned my brother's name and had a boner?" Harry whispered questioningly. I knew if I acted like my normal self he would just shrug it off.

"Sheer coincidence, mate!" I said while patting his fluffy curls," Should I read into the fact that you were looking at my boner?" I smirked at him deviously.

"Ha, you wish Lou. The only penis I want is the one in my pants." He laughed loudly. Luckily it was time to go to lunch and I could get away from Harry and call my Marcy again.

"Oy mate. Wanna hit Nandos with the lads? Niall and Lee are waiting by the car." Mental facepalm. So much for getting away from him.


*Marcel's Pov*

I feel like someone's watching me. Like I do not know how to explain it, I just feel it. Ever since that party when He showed up, I can't shake this feeling that I'm being watched. I know it's Him.

Why can't I ever just go to class in peace? I love uni, but not when I am being stalked!

"Owww..." I groan and readjust my tight khakis. Three days later and I am still sore. Lou did a number on me.

"Harder! Faster! Lo-Lou, please!"

Okay maybe I asked for it. I still cannot believe that we made love. My virginity which I held so sacredly was thrown out the window as soon as he said he loved me. So much for that...

I still do not know how I feel about the whole situation. Obviously I enjoyed the sex, and being with Lou in such an intimate way was beautiful...but I am still unsure.

Sex is a big step. One that I did not even take with my boyfriend, yet I gave myself to Lou so easily. That has to mean something right? Or maybe I am just stupid. Louis isn't my boyfriend, let alone gay! God I am such an idiot.

I checked the time on my phone and shoved it back in my pocket. It's time for my coffee break! Because I'm studying marketing and public relations, my professor (who is also the p.r. agent for my university) gave me an offer to be an assistant marketing director for the school. That means any events that are held at the school, I get to help with. Which all ultimately means I'm up all the time. So daddy needs his coffee breaks, okay.

My phone vibrated in my pocket for the hundredth time today but I ignored it. I knew it was Louis. He's been calling nonstop since the incident and I haven't built up the courage to answer.

What if he wanted to tell me it was a mistake? I mean I'm pretty sure it was a mistake, but it would hurt if he said so first. Or what if he tells the lads and they make a joke of it? Or what if he only wants to have sex with me again like a cheap booty call? Or what if he actually does love me and wants to be with me? I think that's the scariest thought of all...


*Lou's Pov*

"Just order me some fries and a water, I'm gonna make a call." I tell Harry. You have to tell Harry your food order because Leeroy will tell you what you just HAVE to try and Niall will forget and eat it all anyway.

"Hey Marcy...uhm it's me Lou. Just calling again for like the millionth time to check on you. How's the bum? Heh..That was a joke. But seriously call me Marcel." I can't believe he sent me to voicemail again. Why won't he answer?

Since Sunday I've only been dreaming about Marcel, thinking about Marcel, and calling Marcel. I haven't even slept. Nobody has ever made me feel like this...

"Louis come on! The food is ready!"

Niall called. He waits for no one to eat so I better hurry. I'll just send him one more text.

I walked over to the boys who were munching happily on their food and playing around. I picked up my water and took a long swig from the cold liquid.

"Calling Marcel?" Just like that the cold liquid was all over the floor. How did he know? Poker face time.

"I have no idea what you're talking about Harry, I was talking to my mom..."

"Uhm, we all know it's not Joanna that you've been calling all day Lou." Leeroy commented and stuck a fry in his mouth.

"We all see how you look at him. And we heard the voicemail. What is going on Lou?" Harry questioned. He was not going to let this go and I am an actor not a liar. Might as well tell them the truth...

"I'm in love with your brother!"


*Marcel's Pov*

"Hi. I'll have a vanilla latte with whipped cream please." The barista behind the counter gave me a bright smile as he took my order. I think he's in my psychology class. Really cute ginger-haired guy.

"That's my order too." He commented," It's Marvin right?" People never got my name right.

"Marcel. You're Eddy?"

"Just Ed. But you can call me Eddy if you want." He shrugged. "Here's your latte with extra whipped cream." As I went to get out my money he stopped me. "Nah man, this ones on me."

"Wow uhm, thank you but why?" I questioned. I mean it is a nice gesture but people don't just do nice things for nothing.

"Well," See. Told you," I'm doing this gig on Friday and I heard you did p.r...."

I was trying to stay focused but I could smell the chocolate scones and this latte was going to be cold soon..."Yes, go on Ed." I nudged him.

"So would you mind spreading the word? Getting people to come? Making sure everyone hears about the show?" He was wringing his hands nervously. Aw, he does not have to be so scared, I could not hurt a fly. No seriously, my vision and hand-eye coordination is terrible, I literally could not hurt a fly.

"I'll tell you what Ed...Hook me up with a fresh scone and you've got a deal buddy."

He smiled brightly at my offer and ran (literally ran) to get a fresh scone out of the oven for me. We shook hands to seal the deal and parted ways. My phone buzzed in my pocket again letting me know I had a text message.

'Marcy. I understand you are not ready to talk to me. Meet me by the lake on Friday so we can talk, okay? okay. xo. -Louis Bear'

No he did not just use the Fault in Our Stars against me! He knows I cannot resist saying okay back when someone says okay. It makes me feel like Hazel Grace or Augustus Waters telling the one I love that I love them in our own language. Oh geeze, if he's doing this he must really be desperate. But Ed's gig is on Friday and I gave him my word...What do I do?

'Okay.' I reply.

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