Chapter 16: Beat Still

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*Marcel's Pov*

I woke up to a gentle sway and the sound of waves. Where am I? Who's bed is this? Why am I naked?! What the diddly....

I got up from the random bed and went on a scavenger hunt for my clothes. They were thrown around the room in various places. All of a sudden a sharp pain went through my entire body starting at my bum. Seriously, what is going on here?

I opened a couple doors until I finally found the bathroom and splashed some water on my tired face. And just like that flashes of last night's events hit me like a bus.

"Lou this is beautiful..."

"I just want to sing from the heart. No written lyrics, just how I feel. And whatever comes out...well at least you'll know how I truly feel. Kay?"

"...So get out, get out, get out of my head

And fall into my arms instead

I don't, I don't, don't know what it is

But I need that one thing

And you've got that one thing..."

"It was beautiful Lou Bear, thank you so much."

"I've missed this so much Marcy."

"Lou, I thi-think I lo-love...I think I lo-"

"I love you too Marcy."

Woah! How could I have forgotten such a magical night? It has been hard for me to let my guard down, but after yesterday I know how I feel. I am in love with Louis. And I will not let myself ruin it this time.

I took a quick shower and got dressed in my clothes from yesterday. Where is Louis? He is probably eating or something.

I searched the top deck and still could not find him. Maybe he went out to get something?

I got off of the boat and walked onto the dock to check for his car. No sign of that either. I hope he'll be back soon...he sort of was my ride here.

I pulled out my phone and looked for his number. Where is his name?! Oh yeah he changed it from Louis to Bear <3.

I dialed his number a couple times and did not get an answer. Okay this is starting to get weird. I hope he is okay!

I called him once more to leave a quick message.

"Uhm, Hey Lou. It's me, Marcy. Ha that rhymed. Anyway I hope you are okay since you left me stranded on a boat. I'm going to ask Liam to come get me, but call me so I know you are okay, yeah? Okay."


"And he just left you there?!" Niall yelled making me flinch slightly.

"C'mon Ni. It's (and 1, 2, 3, 4) Lou (5, 6, 7, 8). I'm sure he had a good explanation." Leeroy called from the front seat while practicing a dance routine in his head. You could tell by the way he was counting and flailing his arms about.

"Yeah but he could have at least called..." Liam stated matter of factly," I mean we all know how Marcel worries. Even more than I do..." He trailed off with his thoughts as he turned onto a familiar street.

"Hmph," Niall crossed his arms angrily," I don't care what his explanation is, I'm pissed. Marcel doesn't deserve this." They were talking about me like I was not even in the car.

I continued staring out the window while Leeroy tried defending Louis and Niall huffed and puffed next to me.

"Marc? Marcy?" Liam called nervously from the drivers seat.

"Wha-what? Sorry I was lost in thought." I answered.

"Would you like frozen yogurt?" He asked like I was a baby.

"Please say yes, Pleaseee." Niall whispered and tugged on my arm. Now he was the child around here, not me.

"Yes let's go. Anything for Ni-Ni." I flashed Niall a smile. For some reason he blushed and looked away. That's weird.

We pulled up to Frosty's and Niall jumped out of the car excitedly. Liam put his arm around me as we chuckled at his childishness.

"I have just got to pee, make me my usual Li?" Leeroy said dramatically and strutted towards the toilets.

"Got you Lee." Liam replied.

I walked over to where Niall was fixing his yogurt and admired all of the flavors. How was I ever going to choose? Well it looks like Niall didn't. I would not be surprised if he had every flavor in his cup.

"What should I get Ni?" I asked while picking a small cup from the basket.

"Well I know you love vanilla, but sometimes you like a bit of fruit. But then again I know how you love chocolate- as do I by the way, so I'd say go with the vanilla and...You know what? I'll make it. Hold my cup." He shoved his cup in my hand and went to work.

I did not know that Niall knew so much about me. It was cute the way he ran around looking for the things I liked. I giggled as he almost tripped and gave me a quick thumbs up.

"Okay this should do it, yeah?" His Irish accent was so strong.

"What exactly is it?" I ask taking my cup and handing him his.

"French vanilla yogurt with chocolate sauce, strawberries, and banana." He beamed up at me obviously proud of his creation. I must say it is perfect.

"Wow Ni, it is perfect. Thank you! Let's go pay then." He patted my back and we walked up to the counter where Liam payed for our desserts.

We muttered our thank you's and dived straight in. Lee strolled out of the bathroom and dug into his also. We sat in silence for a while eating until I noticed them all looking at me quizzically. Minus Niall who was going back for seconds.

"Wha-what? Is there something on my face?" I asked nervously.

"Uhm no-no. I just... I could have sworn..." Liam trailed off and looked behind me.

"Did you see what I just saw?" Leeroy asked while adjusting his head band.

"I'm pretty sure..." Liam said nervously.

"What in the sam heck is it you guys?" I yelled in a squeaky voice. I was starting to get scared. I tend to speak in a high, nasally voice when I am scared.

"Hey," Niall came over with his mouth full of yogurt," Some weirdo was watching you Marcy. Want me to kick his ass?"

What? Some weirdo? I turned around in my seat just as a guy ran out the door. What was that all about?

"Let's...just get out of here, okay?" Liam suggested.

"I should get home anyway. I'm sure Harry is worried." I threw away our trash and headed towards the door.

"Nah, I texted him earlier and told him you were with Lou and we're bringing you home. He does want you tell him what's going on though." Niall said before finishing whatever was left in his giant cup.

I started getting a nervous feeling in my gut. I knew that Harry was going to be just as mad as Niall was if not more. Oh who am I kidding, on the anger scale if Niall was at a 7, Harry will surely be at least at 9...thousand.

We piled into Liam's and Leeroy's range rover and headed towards my house.

"Hey aren't we off of school next week?" Liam asked with his eyes on the road.

"Yup. Early holiday, whoop whoo!" Leeroy shouted.

"Why do you ask Li?" I chimed in.

"His new girl friend wants to take him to her family's cabin! We can all go right Liam?!" Niall shouted and made kissy faces at Liam who's face was as red as a tomato.

He nodded and answered Niall's question quickly. "Yes everyone is invited."

"Aw I'm so happy for you Li. I guess things are getting serious huh?" I ask.

"Speaking of serious, what are you going to do about Lou?" Leeroy asked making Niall scowl.

"Nothing for now. Since you guys will be on holiday I'm sure I'll hear from him soon..."

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