Twenty Seven

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SeolHyun's POV

The girls have been very understanding and in a way it has brought us a lot closer than before. Wonho accepting me like this makes me want to open up to more people. Including my bandmates. They mean the world to me. Almost as much as Wonho. I know I'm holding on to him a bit too much, but I don't care. Wonho is the guy I want to spend a big portion of my life with. Wether people like it or not, we're together. 

The reason we're not telling people is because our careers would be over. I wouldn't be able to sing and dance like this anymore. We both know what it's like to be high on the fan chants of your fans. I don't ever want to lose that feeling, neither does Wonho. But we don't want to be separate either. It's so difficult to deal with right now. I'm sure all of Monsta X know about us by now. Wonho was bursting to tell them. My girls haven't said a lot about it, except for their support. They know it's hard for me to let people in. Especially MiNa. Somehow she's been taking this the hardest out of all the girls. I still wonder why. She doesn't talk to me like she used to, nor does she spend a lot of time around me. She's sticking around EunHa the most for the time being. I'm guessing she needs time to process this. 

"Girls, this is our last stage!" I call them over to the couch. We have been practicing our asses off for this last stage. Day and night. Every time we got off stage we used to practice our routine once more. All through the day you can find us dancing and singing. We've been spending a lot of time with the vocal coaches and they've been very supporting. Which doesn't leave a lot of time for me to meet up with my new boyfriend. He understands all too well. When this is over we're getting a few days off. And I intend to spend a lot of them around Wonho. 

"I'm actually sad", SooMi says with a little pout. Of course she would. Our main rapper is always so tough on stage, but like a little kid off stage. 

"It went by way too fast", JiHee joins in and sits down beside SooMi. In the end we're all sitting in a circle. It feels intimate somehow. We haven't been calm and collected like this for a while. Becoming a band is a whirlwind of things happening around you. Now the dust is finally settling and we all wish it could last longer. The madness is kind of appealing. 

"We'll just have to prepare extra hard for our comeback!" I encourage them. Some smiles seem to appear on their faces. They're feeling a bit more energised now. Which makes me feel better too. To be honest, I've been scared. I've been scared for fans not liking us, for me screwing up on stage, for the girls not being liked by anyone. And most of all: for it all being my fault we didn't succeed. This just proves that I really want the best for my girls. Now and always. They deserve as much. 

"We'll do that", finally MiNa says something in my presence again. She's been soo eerily quiet, it's been killing me. I send her a grateful smile while settling down. We've chosen our outfits ourselves this time. No cutesy high school uniforms or something, this time it'll be us. Like we really are. And we hope the fans will appreciate it. The effort we put into things. 

"Let's go", I say while getting up and taking some of their hands to help them. It'll be a long day, but I'm sure it'll be over way too soon when we get there. It's always like that. Filming takes such a long time, but it's always over too soon. 

The car comes up front and our manager leads us inside. It doesn't take long for us to be on our way. There'll be a lot of people in the studio again since there have been several comeback stages and a few debuts too. I remember how we were a few weeks ago. Now it just seems so normal. The most normal thing to do. But we can't forget how special it all is. 

"Are you excited for our break?" MiJin asks YeonA in the back. I'm right in front of them. 

"It's the first one we've had in all our trainee years, of course I am! What are you going to do?" Her voice sounds so bright, just the way she is. 

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