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SeolHyun's POV

Wonho stayed with me for the rest of the night. We didn't do anything except for talking and sleeping. He held me close at all times and made sure I was comfortable with his presence. My heart only swelled when he did that. I'm not sure what I ever did to deserve this amazing human being, but he is mine. 

The light pours inside the room as morning comes around. It's too soon, it always is. Soon we'll both have to leave this safe haven and go out into the world. Go out and face my fears, my scars. It won't be easy, but at least I'll have Wonho with me to support me. That's the only consolation I have. 

"Stop moving", Wonho mutters against my hair as I chuckle a little. He's still tired, he always is apparently. I tend to get up first thing in the morning, but he just wants to sleep in. 

"What time do we have to be at your parents'?" I ask while looking at the clock beside me. 

"11", he sighs and opens his eyes at last to look at me. "Why?" 

"It's already 9:30, maybe we should get ready?" He shoots me a confused look. I shoot him one back. 

"I could've slept for another half hour!" he accuses me and sighs deeply. I laugh at him for being so immature about this. Who would've known he would be so childish when it comes to sleep? 

"Get up, manchild", I say to him and get up myself. "I need to shower and so do you." He groans some more and turns around in my bed. I can't shower when he's still in the room, that would just be plain weird. 

"Wonho..." I start whining and he puts up his hands in the air.

"Fine! I'll see you at 10:30", he says while getting up. His sleepy face is honestly the cutest thing I've ever seen. And his hair is just sticking out at all sides. The normally so composed Wonho looks so disheveled right now, only for me to see and enjoy. 

"Yeah", I blush a little when he notices me staring at him. He comes around the bed and closes what distance there was between us. Immediately his lips are on mine, just a light kiss. It still does things to my heart, and knees, and body in general. 

"I just feel the need to kiss you whenever you look at me like that", he says in a rather hoarse voice. It sends shivers down my spine as he pulls away to look at me. "You look amazing in the morning." He flashes me that big smile he has and then walks towards the door. "Don't be late." 

The last thing I see of him is a wink. My heart is still going crazy over his touch and kiss. I don't think I'll ever get used to this. I don't think I even want to get used to this at all. The way he makes me feel is so special and it makes me want more. More of everything. Even more of life. I've been on the brink of depression a lot of times, but he makes me want to see the good things in life. To think I didn't trust him in the beginning. I can't trust anyone more than him now. 

My shower doesn't take long since it's a shower I don't know. I have problems with things that aren't mine. That leaves me with 40 minutes of picking out my clothes and shoes. Will his parents remember me? Will they like me? And what will he even tell them? That we're dating? I don't know what to think of any of this, but decide to just go along with it for now. Wonho will know what to do in the end. It'll be the best for both of us. My clothes consist a high waisted jean short and a striped crop top. It's simple, yet a little classy. I put my Adidas shoes underneath it and decide I'm good to go like that. Afterwards I braid my hair and do a little make up. It's weird how I used to not wear it, but now I can't go without it anymore. 

Wonho is back in my room sooner than expected. He says he can't stand being apart from me. I nuzzle my face in the crook of his neck as we hug. Sometimes I feel as if his touch is the only thing keeping me sane, other times I think his touch will make me go crazy one of these days. 

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